- id | widget_id | for_date | score |
- SELECT date.date::date
- FROM generate_series('2012-01-01'::timestamp with time zone,'now'::text::date::timestamp with time zone,'1 day') date(date)
- ORDER BY date.date DESC;
- Actual data:
- widget_id | for_date | score
- 1312 | 2012-05-07 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-07 | 12
- 1337 | 2012-05-08 | 41
- 1337 | 2012-05-11 | 500
- Desired output based on generate series:
- widget_id | for_date | score
- 1336 | 2012-05-07 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-07 | 12
- 1336 | 2012-05-08 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-08 | 41
- 1336 | 2012-05-09 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-09 | 41
- 1336 | 2012-05-10 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-10 | 41
- 1336 | 2012-05-11 | 20
- 1337 | 2012-05-11 | 500
SQL Fiddle
- select
- widget_id,for_date,case
- when score is not null then score
- else first_value(score) over (partition by widget_id,c order by for_date)
- end score
- from (
- select
- a.widget_id,a.for_date,s.score,count(score) over(partition by a.widget_id order by a.for_date) c
- from (
- select widget_id,g.d::date for_date
- from (
- select distinct widget_id
- from score
- ) s
- cross join
- generate_series(
- (select min(for_date) from score),(select max(for_date) from score),'1 day'
- ) g(d)
- ) a
- left join
- score s on a.widget_id = s.widget_id and a.for_date = s.for_date
- ) s
- order by widget_id,for_date