sql – 每天查询计数,包括多周的日期限制

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql – 每天查询计数,包括多周的日期限制前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



> 2014年10月24日至10月30日AND
> 2014年10月17日至10月23日AND
> 2014年10月10日至10月16日AND
> 2014年10月3日至10月9日


  1. CREATE TABLE requests (
  2. id text PRIMARY KEY,-- id of the request
  3. amount bigint,-- sum of requests made by accounts_id to recipient_id,-- aggregated on a daily basis based on "date"
  4. accounts_id text,-- id of the user
  5. recipient_id text,-- id of the recipient
  6. date timestamp -- date that the request was made in YYYY-MM-DD
  7. );


  1. INSERT INTO requests2
  3. ('1',19,'a1','b1','2014-10-05 00:00:00'),('2','a2','b2','2014-10-06 00:00:00'),('3',85,'a3','b3','2014-10-07 00:00:00'),('4',11,'b4','2014-10-13 00:00:00'),('5',2,'b5','2014-10-14 00:00:00'),('6',50,'2014-10-15 00:00:00'),('7',787323,'b6','2014-10-17 00:00:00'),('8',33,'b8','2014-10-18 00:00:00'),('9',14,'b9','2014-10-19 00:00:00'),('10','a4','b10',('11',1628,'b11','2014-10-25 00:00:00'),('13',101,'2014-10-25 00:00:00');


  1. Date | # Active users
  2. -----------+---------------
  3. 10-01-2014 | 600
  4. 10-02-2014 | 703
  5. 10-03-2014 | 891


  1. SELECT count(*)
  2. FROM
  3. (SELECT accounts_id
  4. FROM requests
  5. WHERE "date" BETWEEN '2014-10-01'::date - interval '2 weeks' AND '2014-10-01'::date - interval '1 week'
  6. GROUP BY accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_1
  7. JOIN
  8. (SELECT accounts_id
  9. FROM requests
  10. WHERE "date" BETWEEN '2014-10-01'::date - interval '3 weeks' AND '2014-10-01'::date - interval '2 week'
  11. GROUP BY accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_2 ON week_1.accounts_id = week_2.accounts_id
  12. JOIN
  13. (SELECT accounts_id
  14. FROM requests
  15. WHERE "date" BETWEEN '2014-10-01'::date - interval '4 weeks' AND '2014-10-01'::date - interval '3 week'
  16. GROUP BY accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_3 ON week_2.accounts_id = week_3.accounts_id
  17. JOIN
  18. (SELECT accounts_id
  19. FROM requests
  20. WHERE "date" BETWEEN '2014-10-01'::date - interval '5 weeks' AND '2014-10-01'::date - interval '4 week'
  21. GROUP BY accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_4 ON week_3.accounts_id = week_4.accounts_id


  1. SELECT week_1."Date_series",count(*)
  2. FROM
  3. (SELECT to_char(DAY::date,'YYYY-MM-DD') AS "Date_series",accounts_id
  4. FROM generate_series('2014-10-01'::date,CURRENT_DATE,'1 day') DAY,requests
  5. WHERE to_char(DAY::date,'YYYY-MM-DD')::date BETWEEN requests.date::date - interval '2 weeks' AND requests.date::date - interval '1 week'
  6. GROUP BY "Date_series",accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_1
  7. JOIN
  8. (SELECT to_char(DAY::date,'YYYY-MM-DD')::date BETWEEN requests.date::date - interval '3 weeks' AND requests.date::date - interval '2 week'
  9. GROUP BY "Date_series",accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_2 ON week_1.accounts_id = week_2.accounts_id
  10. AND week_1."Date_series" = week_2."Date_series"
  11. JOIN
  12. (SELECT to_char(DAY::date,'YYYY-MM-DD')::date BETWEEN requests.date::date - interval '4 weeks' AND requests.date::date - interval '3 week'
  13. GROUP BY "Date_series",accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_3 ON week_2.accounts_id = week_3.accounts_id
  14. AND week_2."Date_series" = week_3."Date_series"
  15. JOIN
  16. (SELECT to_char(DAY::date,'YYYY-MM-DD')::date BETWEEN requests.date::date - interval '5 weeks' AND requests.date::date - interval '4 week'
  17. GROUP BY "Date_series",accounts_id HAVING sum(amount) > 10) week_4 ON week_3.accounts_id = week_4.accounts_id
  18. AND week_3."Date_series" = week_4."Date_series"
  19. GROUP BY week_1."Date_series"

