TSQL:如何获取用户在Active Directory中所属的组列表

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了TSQL:如何获取用户在Active Directory中所属的组列表前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
  1. --; Get all groups in domain MyDomain
  2. select *
  3. from OpenQuery(ADSI,'
  4. SELECT samaccountname,mail,sn,name,cn,objectCategory
  5. FROM ''LDAP://Mydomain/CN=users,DC=Mydomain,DC=com''
  6. WHERE objectCategory=''group''
  7. ORDER BY cn
  8. ')
  10. --; Get all users in domain MyDomain
  11. select *
  12. from OpenQuery(ADSI,'
  13. SELECT objectCategory,department,samaccountname
  14. FROM ''LDAP://Mydomaindomain/CN=users,DC=com''
  15. WHERE objectCategory=''user''
  16. ORDER BY cn
  17. ')
  18. -- where samaccountname='mylogin'




  1. select *
  2. from OpenQuery(ADSI,'SELECT objectCategory,department
  3. FROM ''LDAP://Mydomain/CN=users,DC=wl-domain,DC=com''
  4. WHERE MemberOf=''cn=_____GROUPNAME_____,CN=users,DC=com''
  5. ORDER BY cn'
  6. )


我认为这是基于T-sql的AD接口的局限之一 – 您无法检索多值属性,例如属性(如用户的memberOf),其中包含多个值.


所以我担心你不得不采取另一种方式解决这个问题 – 例如查找并填充托管代码中的组成员身份(单独在sql Server之外,或者可能作为sql Server中的CLR程序集).

更新:有关OPENQUERY AD提供程序限制的说明,请参阅here (MSDN Support)

The process of using the
OPENQUERY statement to pull
information from an LDAP server does
suffer from some limitations. The
limitations can be circumvented in
some cases,but in others the
application design must be altered. An
external application or COM object
that uses ADSI to retrieve the
information from the LDAP server and
then build a table in sql by using ADO
or other data access methods is
another viable method.

The first limitation is that
multivalued properties cannot be
returned in the result set to sql Server. ADSI will read schema information from the LDAP server that defines the structure and Syntax of the classes and attributes used by the server. If the attribute that is requested from the LDAP server is defined in the schema as being multi-valued it cannot be returned in an OPENQUERY statement.
