我在sql Server 2005中有一个SQL查询,当我包含条件顺序时,它会中断.当我删除订单时,查询有效.当我通过条件明确地写出订单时(例如,通过p.Description订购),它可以工作.当我包含条件顺序时,我得到错误,
- 'Conversion Failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type'
sql Server没有向我显示哪行代码导致此错误.我想知道如何解决这个问题,以便我可以使用条件顺序或解决哪一列在转换中失败.
- declare @SearchTerm nvarchar(255)
- declare @SortBy nvarchar(255)
- declare @Months int
- declare @VendorID int
- declare @ProductID int
- set @SearchTerm = 'focus'
- set @SortBy = 'product'
- set @Months = 3
- set @VendorID = null
- set @ProductID = null
- -- This makes it so the @Month will filter by n number of months ago.
- declare @PrevIoUsMonths datetime
- if @Months is null
- begin
- set @PrevIoUsMonths = 24
- end
- else
- begin
- set @PrevIoUsMonths = DateAdd(month,-@Months,GetDate())
- end
- select
- a.dsAlertID as AlertID,a.ProductID,v.VendorID,p.Description as ProductName,v.LongName as VendorName,a.Introduction,a.Writeup,a.DateAdded
- from
- ev_ds_Alerts a
- left outer join
- tblProducts p on a.ProductID = p.ProductID
- left outer join
- tblVendors v on v.VendorID = p.VendorID
- where
- ( @SearchTerm is null or ( a.Writeup like '% ' + @SearchTerm + '%' or a.Introduction like '% ' + @SearchTerm + '%') )
- and (( @Months is null ) or ( @Months is not null and a.DateAdded >= @PrevIoUsMonths))
- and (( @VendorID is null ) or ( @VendorID is not null and v.VendorID = @VendorID ))
- and (( @ProductID is null ) or ( @ProductID is not null and p.ProductID = @ProductID ))
- order by
- case @SortBy
- when 'product' then p.Description
- when 'vendor' then v.LongName
- else a.DateAdded
- end
- -- order by p.Description or v.LongName works when explicitly writing them out!
这应该给你你想要的排序,因为它将格式化日期字符串yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.