sql – NHibernate – 错误的查询列

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql – NHibernate – 错误的查询列前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


> ASP.NET应用程序(.NET 4.0)
> NHibernate 3.3.1-通过Mapping By Code完成的所有映射/配置



  1. public class LiquiditySourceItem : RunDataEntity,IEntity<int>
  2. {
  3. public virtual int Id { get; protected internal set; }
  4. public virtual int IdentID { get; protected internal set; }
  5. public virtual string Portfolio { get; protected internal set; }
  6. public virtual string ProfitCentre { get; protected internal set; }
  7. public virtual DateTime? MaturityDate { get; protected internal set; }
  8. public virtual string Curr1 { get; protected internal set; }
  9. public virtual string Curr2 { get; protected internal set; }
  10. public virtual decimal Reval { get; protected internal set; }
  11. public virtual string ContractType { get; protected internal set; }
  12. public virtual string ContractType2 { get; protected internal set; }
  13. public virtual string ContractCode { get; protected internal set; }
  14. public virtual decimal AmountSignedTradeUnit { get; protected internal set; }
  15. public virtual decimal Amount2Signed { get; protected internal set; }
  16. public virtual decimal SpotDelta { get; protected internal set; }
  17. public virtual string TradeRevalCurr { get; protected internal set; }
  18. }


  1. public LiquiditySourceItemMap()
  2. {
  3. Id(x => x.Id,map => map.Column("RowId"));
  4. Property(x => x.IdentID,map => map.Column("IdentID"));
  5. Property(x => x.Portfolio,map => map.Column("Portfolio"));
  6. Property(x => x.ProfitCentre,map => map.Column("ProfitCentre"));
  7. Property(x => x.MaturityDate,map => map.Column("Con_Expiry"));
  8. Property(x => x.BuySell,map => map.Column("BS"));
  9. Property(x => x.Curr1,map => map.Column("Curr1"));
  10. Property(x => x.Curr2,map => map.Column("Curr2"));
  11. Property(x => x.Reval,map => map.Column("Reval"));
  12. Property(x => x.ContractType,map => map.Column("ContractType"));
  13. Property(x => x.ContractType2,map => map.Column("ContractType2"));
  14. Property(x => x.ContractCode,map => map.Column("ContractCode"));
  15. Property(x => x.AmountSignedTradeUnit,map => map.Column("AmountSignedTradeUnit"));
  16. Property(x => x.Amount2Signed,map => map.Column("Amount2Signed"));
  17. Property(x => x.ValSpot,map => map.Column("Val_Spot"));
  18. Property(x => x.SpotDelta,map => map.Column("SpotDelta"));
  19. Property(x => x.TradeRevalCurr,map => map.Column("Traderevalcurr"));
  20. Property(x => x.SourceReport,map => map.Column("SourceReport"));
  21. ManyToOne(x => x.RunContext,map => map.Column("RunContextID"));
  22. Table("Staging.vw_Liquidity");
  23. }


  1. public class BusinessBreakdownStandardPosition : ReportRunDataEntity,IEntity<long>
  2. {
  3. public virtual long Id { get; set; }
  4. public virtual decimal FinalNettingAmountUSD { get; set; }
  5. public virtual decimal InitialChargeAmountUSD { get; set; }
  6. public virtual BusinessBreakdownInitialPrr InitialPrr { get; set; }
  7. public virtual IEnumerable<FinalInstrumentPosition> FinalInstrumentPositions { get; set; }
  8. public virtual decimal CreditEventPaymentUSD { get; set; }
  9. public virtual decimal ValuationChangeIncreaseUSD { get; set; }
  10. public virtual decimal ValuationChangeDecreaseUSD { get; set; }
  11. public virtual string ReportKey { get; set; }
  12. public virtual decimal USDCharge { get; set; }
  13. public virtual decimal USDChargeICG { get; set; }
  14. public virtual string InstrumentType { get; set; }
  15. }


  1. public class BusinessBreakdownStandardPositionMap : ClassMapping<BusinessBreakdownStandardPosition>
  2. {
  3. public BusinessBreakdownStandardPositionMap()
  4. {
  5. Id(x => x.Id,m =>
  6. {
  7. m.Column("BusinessBreakdownStandardPositionID");
  8. m.Generator(Generators.HighLow,g =>
  9. g.Params(
  10. new
  11. {
  12. table = "dbo.HiValue",max_lo = 10000,Where = string.Format("EntityName = 'BusinessBreakdownStandardPosition'")
  13. }));
  14. });
  15. Property(x => x.FinalNettingAmountUSD,map => map.Column("FinalNettingAmountUSD"));
  16. Property(x => x.InitialChargeAmountUSD,map => map.Column("InitialAmountUSD"));
  17. Property(x => x.CreditEventPaymentUSD);
  18. Property(x => x.ValuationChangeDecreaseUSD);
  19. Property(x => x.ValuationChangeIncreaseUSD);
  20. Property(x => x.USDCharge);
  21. Property(x => x.USDChargeICG);
  22. Property(x=>x.InstrumentType);
  23. ManyToOne(p => p.RunContext,map => map.Column("ReportRunContextID"));
  24. ManyToOne(p => p.InitialPrr,m =>
  25. {
  26. m.Column("InitialPrrID");
  27. m.Cascade(Cascade.All);
  28. });
  29. Property(x => x.ReportKey);
  30. Bag(x => x.FinalInstrumentPositions,collectionMapping =>
  31. {
  32. collectionMapping.Table("Reporting.BusinessBreakdownFinalInstrumentPositionStandardPositionMap");
  33. collectionMapping.Cascade(Cascade.All);
  34. collectionMapping.Key(k => k.Column("StandardPositionID"));
  35. },mapping => mapping.ManyToMany(y => y.Column("FinalInstrumentPositionID")));
  36. Table("Reporting.BusinessBreakdownStandardPosition");
  37. }
  38. }


  2. this_.RowId AS RowId47_0_,this_.IdentID AS IdentID47_0_,this_.Portfolio AS Portfolio47_0_,this_.ProfitCentre AS ProfitCe4_47_0_,this_.Con_Expiry AS Con5_47_0_,this_.BS AS BS47_0_,this_.Curr1 AS Curr7_47_0_,this_.Curr2 AS Curr8_47_0_,this_.Reval AS Reval47_0_,this_.ContractType AS Contrac10_47_0_,this_.ContractType2 AS Contrac11_47_0_,this_.ContractCode AS Contrac12_47_0_,this_.AmountSignedTradeUnit AS AmountS13_47_0_,this_.Amount2Signed AS Amount14_47_0_,this_.Val_Spot AS Val15_47_0_,this_.SpotDelta AS SpotDelta47_0_,this_.InitialAmountUSD AS Initial17_47_0_,this_.RunContextID AS RunCont18_47_0_,this_.SourceReport AS Sou19_47_0_
  3. FROM Staging.vw_Liquidity this_


  1. System.Data.sqlClient.sqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'InitialAmountUSD'.






我在NHibernate Users Google Groups论坛上提出了同样的问题,有人认为他们已经制定了根本原因(并提出了一个解决方案):


The problem code is in PropertyPath.Equals(PropertyPath) which attempts to determine equality by only using the hash code. This works fine for smaller code bases as the default Object.GetHashCode() returns a sequential object index. However,after garbage collection,these indices get reused as finalized objects are removed and new objects are created…which results in more than one object getting the same hashcode…Once garbage collection kicks in,property paths have a chance to share the same hashcode which means they will ultimately mix up their customizers for the colliding properties,thus the wrong column names…


If you have your own copy of the NH source,you can fix the bug by changing NHibernate/Mapping/ByCode/PropertyPath.cs line #66 from:

return hashCode == other.GetHashCode();


return hashCode == other.GetHashCode() && ToString() == other.ToString();

