下面的查询基于一个复杂的视图,视图按照我的意愿工作(我不会包含视图,因为我认为它不会对手头的问题有所帮助).我无法做到的是drugCountsinFamilies专栏.我需要它来向我展示每个药物家族的不同药物名称的数量.您可以从第一个screencap看到有三个不同的H3A行. H3A的药物家族应该是3(有三种不同的H3A药物.)
- select distinct
- rx.patid,d2.fillDate,d2.scriptEndDate,rx.drugName,rx.drugClass
- --the line directly below is the one that I can't figure out why it's wrong,COUNT(rx.drugClass) over(partition by rx.patid,rx.drugclass,rx.drugname) as drugCountsInFamilies
- from
- (
- select
- ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by d.patid order by d.patid,d.uniquedrugsintimeframe desc) as rn,d.patid,d.fillDate,d.scriptEndDate,d.uniqueDrugsInTimeFrame
- from DrugsPerTimeFrame as d
- )d2
- inner join rx on rx.patid = d2.patid
- inner join DrugTable as dt on dt.drugClass=rx.drugClass
- where d2.rn=1 and rx.fillDate between d2.fillDate and d2.scriptEndDate
- and dt.drugClass in ('h3a','h6h','h4b','h2f','h2s','j7c','h2e')
- order by rx.patid
因为您的请求实际上非常简单 – 值始终为1,因为rx.drugClass位于分区子句中 – 我将做出假设.假设您想要计算每个独特药物类别的数量.
- select rx.patid,rx.drugClass,SUM(IsFirstRowInGroup) over (partition by rx.patid) as NumDrugCount
- from (select distinct rx.patid,(case when 1 = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by rx.drugClass,rx.patid order by (select NULL))
- then 1 else 0
- end) as IsFirstRowInGroup
- from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by d.patid order by d.patid,d.uniqueDrugsInTimeFrame
- from DrugsPerTimeFrame as d
- ) d2 inner join
- rx
- on rx.patid = d2.patid inner join
- DrugTable dt
- on dt.drugClass = rx.drugClass
- where d2.rn=1 and rx.fillDate between d2.fillDate and d2.scriptEndDate and
- dt.drugClass in ('h3a','h2e')
- ) t
- order by patid