我的主要目标是在MS Access表单代码/模块中搜索某些单词(例如dog,cat,cow等)并返回包含该单词的模块名称. (或者至少如果存在或不存在则返回)
- Sub SearchAllCode()
- Dim ap As New Access.Application
- Dim sfile As String,afind As Variant
- Dim mdlname As String,mdl As Object
- Dim prcname As String
- Dim lsline As Long,lscol As Long
- Dim leline As Long,lecol As Long
- Dim sline As String,r As Long
- Dim i,j
- ap.Visible = True
- afind = Split("msgBox,chair,ombo,Visible",",")
- sfile = Dir("Z:\Docs\*.accdb")
- Do While sfile <> vbNullString
- ap.OpenCurrentDatabase "Z:\Docs\" & sfile,False,"pass"
- For i = 1 To ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Count
- Set mdl = ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(i).CodeModule
- For j = 0 To UBound(afind)
- leline = mdl.CountOfLines
- ''object.Find(target,startline,startcol,endline,endcol
- ''[,wholeword] [,matchcase] [,patternsearch]) As Boolean
- ''The default is false for the three optional parameters.
- ''Finds first occurrence only
- If mdl.Find(afind(j),lsline,lscol,leline,lecol) Then
- sline = mdl.Lines(lsline,Abs(leline - lsline) + 1)
- prcname = mdl.ProcOfLine(lsline,r)
- Debug.Print mdl.Name
- Debug.Print prcname
- Debug.Print lsline
- Debug.Print sline
- End If
- Next
- Next
- ap.CloseCurrentDatabase
- sfile = Dir
- Loop
- ap.Quit
- End Sub
- Sub AlternativeSearch()
- Dim ap As New Access.Application
- Dim sfile As String,afind As Variant
- Dim mdl As Object
- Dim modtext As String,modarray As Variant
- Dim leline As Long
- Dim i,j,k
- ap.Visible = True
- afind = Split("msgBox,"pass"
- For i = 1 To ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Count
- Set mdl = ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(i).codemodule 'ap.Modules(mdlname)
- leline = mdl.CountOfLines
- modtext = mdl.Lines(1,leline)
- For j = 0 To UBound(afind)
- If InStr(modtext,afind(j)) > 0 Then
- Debug.Print "****" & afind(j) & " found in " & mdl.Name
- modarray = Split(modtext,vbCrLf)
- For k = 0 To UBound(modarray)
- If InStr(modarray(k),afind(j)) > 0 Then
- Debug.Print k
- Debug.Print modarray(k)
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
- Next
- ap.CloseCurrentDatabase
- sfile = Dir
- Loop
- ap.Quit
- End Sub