- #ifndef __FiveSeconds__Shake__
- #define __FiveSeconds__Shake__
- #include "cocos2d.h"
- class Shake : public ActionInterval
- {
- public:
- Shake();
- // Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y)
- static Shake *create(float d,float strength );
- // Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y)
- static Shake *createWithStrength(float d,float strength_x,float strength_y );
- bool initWithDuration(float d,float strength_y );
- protected:
- void startWithTarget(cocos2d::Node *pTarget);
- void update(float time);
- void stop(void);
- virtual ActionInterval* reverse() const;
- virtual ActionInterval* clone() const;
- Point m_StartPosition;
- Node* m_pTarget;
- // Strength of the action
- float m_strength_x,m_strength_y;
- };
- #endif /* defined(__FiveSeconds__Shake__) */
- #include "Shake.h"
- // not really useful,but I like clean default constructors
- Shake::Shake() : m_strength_x(0),m_strength_y(0)
- {
- }
- Shake *Shake::create( float d,float strength )
- {
- // call other construction method with twice the same strength
- return createWithStrength( d,strength,strength );
- }
- Shake *Shake::createWithStrength(float duration,float strength_y)
- {
- Shake* pRet = new Shake();
- if (pRet && pRet->initWithDuration(duration,strength_x,strength_y))
- {
- pRet->autorelease();
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return pRet;
- }
- bool Shake::initWithDuration(float duration,float strength_y)
- {
- if (ActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration))
- {
- m_strength_x = strength_x;
- m_strength_y = strength_y;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Helper function. I included it here so that you can compile the whole file
- // it returns a random value between min and max included
- static float fgRangeRand( float min,float max )
- {
- float rnd = ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
- return rnd * (max - min) + min;
- }
- void Shake::update(float dt)
- {
- float randx = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_x,m_strength_x ) * dt;
- float randy = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_y,m_strength_y ) * dt;
- // move the target to a shaked position
- m_pTarget->setPosition(m_StartPosition+Point(randx,randy));
- }
- void Shake::startWithTarget(Node *pTarget)
- {
- ActionInterval::startWithTarget(pTarget);
- m_pTarget = pTarget;
- // save the initial position
- m_StartPosition=pTarget->getPosition();
- }
- void Shake::stop(void)
- {
- // Action is done,reset clip position
- this->getTarget()->setPosition( m_StartPosition);
- ActionInterval::stop();
- }
- ActionInterval* Shake::reverse() const
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- ActionInterval* Shake::clone() const
- {
- return NULL;
- }