class CC_DLL CCImage : @H_403_5@public CCObject
typedef @H_403_5@enum
kFmtJpg = 0,kFmtPng,kFmtTiff,kFmtWebp,kFmtRawData,kFmtUnKnown
typedef @H_403_5@enum
kAlignCenter = 0x33,///< Horizontal center and vertical center.
kAlignTop = 0x13,///< Horizontal center and vertical top.
kAlignTopRight = 0x12,///< Horizontal right and vertical top.
kAlignRight = 0x32,///< Horizontal right and vertical center.
kAlignBottomRight = 0x22,///< Horizontal right and vertical bottom.
kAlignBottom = 0x23,///< Horizontal center and vertical bottom.
kAlignBottomLeft = 0x21,///< Horizontal left and vertical bottom.
kAlignLeft = 0x31,///< Horizontal left and vertical center.
kAlignTopLeft = 0x11,///< Horizontal left and vertical top.
/** @brief Load the image from the specified path. @param strPath the absolute file path. @param imageType the type of image,currently only supporting two types. @return true if loaded correctly. */
bool initWithImageFile(@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char * strPath,EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng);
/* @brief The same result as with initWithImageFile,but thread safe. It is caused by loadImage() in CCTextureCache.cpp. @param fullpath full path of the file. @param imageType the type of image,currently only supporting two types. @return true if loaded correctly. */
bool initWithImageFileThreadSafe(@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char *fullpath,EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng);
/** @brief Load image from stream buffer. @warning kFmtRawData only supports RGBA8888. @param pBuffer stream buffer which holds the image data. @param nLength data length expressed in (number of) bytes. @param nWidth,nHeight,nBitsPerComponent are used for kFmtRawData. @return true if loaded correctly. */
bool initWithImageData(@H_403_5@void * pData,@H_403_5@int nDataLen,EImageFormat eFmt = kFmtUnKnown,@H_403_5@int nWidth = 0,@H_403_5@int nHeight = 0,@H_403_5@int nBitsPerComponent = 8);
/** @brief Create image with specified string. @param pText the text the image will show (cannot be nil). @param nWidth the image width,if 0,the width will match the text's width. @param nHeight the image height,the height will match the text's height. @param eAlignMask the test Alignment @param pFontName the name of the font used to draw the text. If nil,use the default system font. @param nSize the font size,use the system default size. */
bool initWithString(
@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char * pText,@H_403_5@int nWidth = 0,@H_403_5@int nHeight = 0,ETextAlign eAlignMask = kAlignCenter,@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char * pFontName = 0,@H_403_5@int nSize = 0);
bool initWithStringShadowStroke(
@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char * pText,@H_403_5@int nWidth = 0,@H_403_5@int nHeight = 0,ETextAlign eAlignMask = kAlignCenter,@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char * pFontName = 0,@H_403_5@int nSize = 0,@H_403_5@float textTintR = 1,@H_403_5@float textTintG = 1,@H_403_5@float textTintB = 1,bool shadow = @H_403_5@false,@H_403_5@float shadowOffsetX = 0.0,@H_403_5@float shadowOffsetY = 0.0,@H_403_5@float shadowOpacity = 0.0,@H_403_5@float shadowBlur = 0.0,bool stroke = @H_403_5@false,@H_403_5@float strokeR = 1,@H_403_5@float strokeG = 1,@H_403_5@float strokeB = 1,@H_403_5@float strokeSize = 1
unsigned @H_403_5@char * getData() { @H_403_5@return m_pData; }
@H_403_5@int getDataLen() { @H_403_5@return m_nWidth * m_nHeight; }
bool hasAlpha() { @H_403_5@return m_bHasAlpha; }
bool isPremultipliedAlpha() { @H_403_5@return m_bPreMulti; }
/** @brief Save CCImage data to the specified file,with specified format. @param pszFilePath the file's absolute path,including file suffix. @param bIsToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format. */
bool saveToFile(@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char *pszFilePath,bool bIsToRGB = @H_403_5@true);
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(unsigned @H_403_5@short,m_nWidth,Width);
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(unsigned @H_403_5@short,m_nHeight,Height);
bool _initWithJpgData(@H_403_5@void *pData,@H_403_5@int nDatalen);
bool _initWithPngData(@H_403_5@void *pData,@H_403_5@int nDatalen);
bool _initWithTiffData(@H_403_5@void *pData,@H_403_5@int nDataLen);
bool _initWithWebpData(@H_403_5@void *pData,@H_403_5@int nDataLen);
// @warning kFmtRawData only support RGBA8888
bool _initWithRawData(@H_403_5@void *pData,@H_403_5@int nDatalen,@H_403_5@int nWidth,@H_403_5@int nHeight,@H_403_5@int nBitsPerComponent,bool bPreMulti);
bool _saveImageToPNG(@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char *pszFilePath,bool bIsToRGB = @H_403_5@true);
bool _saveImageToJPG(@H_403_5@const @H_403_5@char *pszFilePath);
unsigned @H_403_5@char *m_pData;
bool m_bHasAlpha;
bool m_bPreMulti;
// noncopyable
CCImage(@H_403_5@const CCImage& rImg);
CCImage & operator=(@H_403_5@const CCImage&);