- GLushort* _indices; //顶点index
- GLuint _VAOname;
- GLuint _buffersVBO[2]; //0: vertex 1: indices
- bool _dirty; //indicates whether or not the array buffer of the VBO needs to be updated
- /** quantity of quads that are going to be drawn */
- ssize_t _totalQuads; //所有的顶点数量
- /** quantity of quads that can be stored with the current texture atlas size */
- ssize_t _capacity;
- /** Texture of the texture atlas */
- Texture2D* _texture;
- /** Quads that are going to be rendered */
- V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* _quads; //顶点数据
- 源文件代码分析:
- ``bool TextureAtlas::initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture,ssize_t capacity)
- {
- CCASSERT(capacity>=0,"Capacity must be >= 0");
- // CCASSERT(texture != nullptr,"texture should not be null");
- _capacity = capacity; //预留的顶点数量
- _totalQuads = 0;
- // retained in property
- this->_texture = texture;
- CC_SAFE_RETAIN(_texture);
- // Re-initialization is not allowed
- CCASSERT(_quads == nullptr && _indices == nullptr,"");
- //给预留的顶点数量分配内存。每个顶点数据包括(位置---V3F,颜色---C4B,uv值---T2F)
- _quads = (V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad*)malloc( _capacity * sizeof(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad) );
- //所有构成三角形的顶点index,4个顶点有6个index(两个三角形)
- _indices = (GLushort *)malloc( _capacity * 6 * sizeof(GLushort) );
- if( ! ( _quads && _indices) && _capacity > 0)
- {
- //CCLOG("cocos2d: TextureAtlas: not enough memory");
- CC_SAFE_FREE(_quads);
- CC_SAFE_FREE(_indices);
- // release texture,should set it to null,because the destruction will
- // release it too. see cocos2d-x issue #484
- return false;
- }
- memset( _quads,0,_capacity * sizeof(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad) );
- memset( _indices,_capacity * 6 * sizeof(GLushort) );
- //.. ...省略部分代码
- return true;
- }
void TextureAtlas::setupIndices()
if (_capacity == 0)
- for( int i=0; i < _capacity; i++)
- {
- _indices[i*6+0] = i*4+0; //第i*4+0个顶点构成2*i个三角形的第一个顶点
- _indices[i*6+1] = i*4+1; //第i*4+1个顶点构成2*i个三角形的第二个顶点
- _indices[i*6+2] = i*4+2; //第i*4+2个顶点构成2*i个三角形的第三个顶点
- // inverted index. issue #179
- _indices[i*6+3] = i*4+3; //第i*4+3个顶点构成2*i+1个三角形的第一个顶点
- _indices[i*6+4] = i*4+2; //第i*4+2个顶点构成2*i+1个三角形的第二个顶点
- _indices[i*6+5] = i*4+1; //第i*4+1个顶点构成2*i+1个三角形的第三个顶点
- }
- ``
- //将quad插入到所有数据的index位置中
- void TextureAtlas::insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad,ssize_t index)
- {
- CCASSERT( index>=0 && index<_capacity,"insertQuadWithTexture: Invalid index");
- _totalQuads++; //顶点数量+1
- CCASSERT( _totalQuads <= _capacity,"invalid totalQuads");
- // issue #575. index can be > totalQuads
- auto remaining = (_totalQuads-1) - index; //将index后面的remaining个顶点往后移。
- // last object doesn't need to be moved
- if( remaining > 0)
- {
- // texture coordinates
- //移动remaining个数据往后移动。
- memmove( &_quads[index+1],&_quads[index],sizeof(_quads[0]) * remaining );
- }
- _quads[index] = *quad;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //将quads的amount个数据插入到所有数据的index位置上。
- void TextureAtlas::insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads,ssize_t index,ssize_t amount)
- {
- CCASSERT(index>=0 && amount>=0 && index+amount<=_capacity,"insertQuadWithTexture: Invalid index + amount");
- _totalQuads += amount; //顶点数据+amount
- CCASSERT( _totalQuads <= _capacity,"invalid totalQuads");
- // issue #575. index can be > totalQuads
- auto remaining = (_totalQuads-1) - index - amount;
- // last object doesn't need to be moved
- if( remaining > 0)
- {
- // tex coordinates
- //将index后面的所有数据向后移动amount个位置
- memmove( &_quads[index+amount],sizeof(_quads[0]) * remaining );
- }
- //设置index后面的数据
- auto max = index + amount;
- int j = 0;
- for (ssize_t i = index; i < max ; i++)
- {
- _quads[index] = quads[j];
- index++;
- j++;
- }
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //将oldIndex位置的数据插入到newIndex的位置。并且中间的数据一并移动。
- //oldIndex,A,A..,newIndex---->A,newIndex,oldIndex。
- //newIndex,oldIndex---->oldIndex,A..。
- void TextureAtlas::insertQuadFromIndex(ssize_t oldIndex,ssize_t newIndex)
- {
- CCASSERT( newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < _totalQuads,"insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
- CCASSERT( oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < _totalQuads,"insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
- if( oldIndex == newIndex )
- {
- return;
- }
- // because it is ambiguous in iphone,so we implement abs ourselves
- // unsigned int howMany = abs( oldIndex - newIndex);
- auto howMany = (oldIndex - newIndex) > 0 ? (oldIndex - newIndex) : (newIndex - oldIndex);
- auto dst = oldIndex;
- auto src = oldIndex + 1;
- if( oldIndex > newIndex)
- {
- dst = newIndex+1;
- src = newIndex;
- }
- // texture coordinates
- V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quadsBackup = _quads[oldIndex];
- memmove( &_quads[dst],&_quads[src],sizeof(_quads[0]) * howMany );
- _quads[newIndex] = quadsBackup;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //删除index的数据,并且将index后面的 数据往前移动一个。
- void TextureAtlas::removeQuadAtIndex(ssize_t index)
- {
- CCASSERT( index>=0 && index<_totalQuads,"removeQuadAtIndex: Invalid index");
- auto remaining = (_totalQuads-1) - index;
- // last object doesn't need to be moved
- if( remaining )
- {
- // texture coordinates
- memmove( &_quads[index],&_quads[index+1],sizeof(_quads[0]) * remaining );
- }
- _totalQuads--;
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //删除index开始的amount个数据,后面的数据往前移动
- void TextureAtlas::removeQuadsAtIndex(ssize_t index,ssize_t amount)
- {
- CCASSERT(index>=0 && amount>=0 && index+amount<=_totalQuads,"removeQuadAtIndex: index + amount out of bounds");
- auto remaining = (_totalQuads) - (index + amount);
- _totalQuads -= amount;
- if ( remaining )
- {
- memmove( &_quads[index],&_quads[index+amount],sizeof(_quads[0]) * remaining );
- }
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //移动oldIndex开始的amount到newIndex位置。
- void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(ssize_t oldIndex,ssize_t amount,ssize_t newIndex)
- {
- CCASSERT(oldIndex>=0 && amount>=0 && newIndex>=0,"values must be >= 0");
- CCASSERT(newIndex + amount <= _totalQuads,"insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
- CCASSERT(oldIndex < _totalQuads,"insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
- if( oldIndex == newIndex )
- {
- return;
- }
- //create buffer
- size_t quadSize = sizeof(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad);
- V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* tempQuads = (V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad*)malloc( quadSize * amount);
- memcpy( tempQuads,&_quads[oldIndex],quadSize * amount );
- if (newIndex < oldIndex)
- {
- // move quads from newIndex to newIndex + amount to make room for buffer
- memmove( &_quads[newIndex],&_quads[newIndex+amount],(oldIndex-newIndex)*quadSize);
- }
- else
- {
- // move quads above back
- memmove( &_quads[oldIndex],&_quads[oldIndex+amount],(newIndex-oldIndex)*quadSize);
- }
- memcpy( &_quads[newIndex],tempQuads,amount*quadSize);
- free(tempQuads);
- _dirty = true;
- }
- //渲染start位置的numberOfQuads的数据
- void TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(ssize_t numberOfQuads,ssize_t start)
- {
- CCASSERT(numberOfQuads>=0 && start>=0,"numberOfQuads and start must be >= 0");
- if(!numberOfQuads)
- return;
- GL::bindTexture2D(_texture->getName());
- if (Configuration::getInstance()->supportsShareableVAO()) { // // Using VBO and VAO // // FIXME:: update is done in draw... perhaps it should be done in a timer if (_dirty) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,_buffersVBO[0]); // option 1: subdata // glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(_quads[0])*start,sizeof(_quads[0]) * n,&_quads[start] ); // option 2: data // glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(quads_[0]) * (n-start),&quads_[start],GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); // option 3: orphaning + glMapBuffer glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(_quads[0]) * _capacity,nullptr,GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); void *buf = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,GL_WRITE_ONLY); memcpy(buf,_quads,sizeof(_quads[0])* _totalQuads); glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); _dirty = false; } GL::bindVAO(_VAOname); #if CC_REBIND_INDICES_BUFFER glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,_buffersVBO[1]); #endif glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,(GLsizei) numberOfQuads*6,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,(GLvoid*) (start*6*sizeof(_indices[0])) ); GL::bindVAO(0); #if CC_REBIND_INDICES_BUFFER glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); #endif // glBindVertexArray(0); } else { // // Using VBO without VAO // #define kQuadSize sizeof(_quads[0].bl) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,_buffersVBO[0]); // FIXME:: update is done in draw... perhaps it should be done in a timer if (_dirty) { glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(_quads[0]) * _totalQuads,&_quads[0] ); _dirty = false; } GL::enableVertexAttribs(GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POS_COLOR_TEX); // vertices glVertexAttribPointer(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION,3,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,kQuadSize,(GLvoid*) offsetof(V3F_C4B_T2F,vertices)); // colors glVertexAttribPointer(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR,4,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,GL_TRUE,colors)); // tex coords glVertexAttribPointer(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORD,2,texCoords)); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,_buffersVBO[1]); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,(GLsizei)numberOfQuads*6,(GLvoid*) (start*6*sizeof(_indices[0]))); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); } CC_INCREMENT_GL_DRAWN_BATCHES_AND_VERTICES(1,numberOfQuads*6); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); }
- // addChild helper,faster than insertChild
- void SpriteBatchNode::appendChild(Sprite* sprite)
- {
- _reorderChildDirty=true;
- sprite->setBatchNode(this);
- sprite->setDirty(true);
- if(_textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == _textureAtlas->getCapacity()) {
- increaseAtlasCapacity();
- }
- _descendants.push_back(sprite);//所有的子节点。
- int index = static_cast<int>(_descendants.size()-1);
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(index); 设置sprite的渲染节点为TextureAtlas的第index个数据
- V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = sprite->getQuad();
- _textureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad,index);//将sprite的顶点数据传入到TextureAtlas的index位置。
- // add children recursively
- auto& children = sprite->getChildren();
- for(const auto &child: children) {
- appendChild(static_cast<Sprite*>(child)); //将sprite的所有数据加入到descendants。
- }
- }
- //将sprite的数据插入到TextureAtlas的index位置。但是现在还不append到spriteBatchNode
- void SpriteBatchNode::insertQuadFromSprite(Sprite *sprite,ssize_t index)
- {
- CCASSERT( sprite != nullptr,"Argument must be non-nullptr");
- CCASSERT( dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(sprite),"CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children");
- // make needed room
- while(index >= _textureAtlas->getCapacity() || _textureAtlas->getCapacity() == _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads())
- {
- this->increaseAtlasCapacity();
- }
- //
- // update the quad directly. Don't add the sprite to the scene graph
- //
- sprite->setBatchNode(this);
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(index);
- V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = sprite->getQuad();
- _textureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad,index);
- // FIXME:: updateTransform will update the textureAtlas too,using updateQuad.
- // FIXME:: so,it should be AFTER the insertQuad
- sprite->setDirty(true);
- sprite->updateTransform();
- }
- //获取sprite的第一个atlas 数据的index
- ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::atlasIndexForChild(Sprite *sprite,int nZ)
- {
- auto& siblings = sprite->getParent()->getChildren();
- auto childIndex = siblings.getIndex(sprite);
- // ignore parent Z if parent is spriteSheet
- bool ignoreParent = (SpriteBatchNode*)(sprite->getParent()) == this;
- Sprite *prev = nullptr;
- if (childIndex > 0 && childIndex != -1)
- {
- prev = static_cast<Sprite*>(siblings.at(childIndex - 1));
- }
- // first child of the sprite sheet
- if (ignoreParent)
- {
- if (childIndex == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return highestAtlasIndexInChild(prev) + 1; //之前兄弟节点的最后一个子节点的index +1
- }
- // parent is a Sprite,so,it must be taken into account
- // first child of an Sprite ?
- if (childIndex == 0)//第一个节点
- {
- Sprite *p = static_cast<Sprite*>(sprite->getParent());
- // less than parent and brothers
- if (nZ < 0)
- {
- return p->getAtlasIndex();//
- }
- else
- {
- return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1;//如果nz>=0,那么index是父节点的index +1。
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // prevIoUs & sprite belong to the same branch
- if ((prev->getLocalZOrder() < 0 && nZ < 0) || (prev->getLocalZOrder() >= 0 && nZ >= 0))
- {
- //prev和本 节点在同一批次,那么index是prev的最大index+1。
- return highestAtlasIndexInChild(prev) + 1;
- }
- // else (prevIoUs < 0 and sprite >= 0 )
- Sprite *p = static_cast<Sprite*>(sprite->getParent());//这种情况下,是父节点的index+1
- return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1;
- }
- // Should not happen. Error calculating Z on SpriteSheet
- CCASSERT(0,"should not run here");
- return 0;
- }
- //sprite和sprite所有子节点的最大index
- ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::highestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite)
- {
- auto& children = sprite->getChildren();
- if (children.size() == 0)
- {
- return sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- }
- else
- {
- return highestAtlasIndexInChild( static_cast<Sprite*>(children.back()));
- }
- }
- //sprite和sprite所有子节点的最小index
- ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::lowestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite)
- {
- auto& children = sprite->getChildren();
- if (children.size() == 0)
- {
- return sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- }
- else
- {
- return lowestAtlasIndexInChild(static_cast<Sprite*>(children.at(0)));
- }
- }
- //更新sprite和sprite子节点的atlas数据的index。
- void SpriteBatchNode::updateAtlasIndex(Sprite* sprite,ssize_t* curIndex)
- {
- auto& array = sprite->getChildren();
- auto count = array.size();
- ssize_t oldIndex = 0;
- if( count == 0 )//如果没有子节点,那么sprite就是curIndex位置了
- {
- oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex);
- sprite->setOrderOfArrival(0);
- if (oldIndex != *curIndex){
- swap(oldIndex,*curIndex);
- }
- (*curIndex)++;
- }
- else
- {
- bool needNewIndex=true;
- //先localZ<0的,然后sprite,最后localZ>0
- //因为先对所有的子节点排序过。先localZ<0,然后localZ>0
- if (array.at(0)->getLocalZOrder() >= 0)//如果第一个localZ>0那么先设置sprite的index
- {
- //all children are in front of the parent
- oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex);
- sprite->setOrderOfArrival(0);
- if (oldIndex != *curIndex)
- {
- swap(oldIndex,*curIndex);
- }
- (*curIndex)++;
- needNewIndex = false;
- }
- for(const auto &child: array) {
- Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(child);
- //找到了第一个localZorder>0的,设置sprite。
- if (needNewIndex && sp->getLocalZOrder() >= 0)
- {
- oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex);
- sprite->setOrderOfArrival(0);
- if (oldIndex != *curIndex) {
- this->swap(oldIndex,*curIndex);
- }
- (*curIndex)++;
- needNewIndex = false;
- }
- updateAtlasIndex(sp,curIndex);
- }
- //这种情况是:所有的子节点都是localZ<0。
- if (needNewIndex)
- {//all children have a zOrder < 0)
- oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex();
- sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex);
- sprite->setOrderOfArrival(0);
- if (oldIndex != *curIndex) {
- swap(oldIndex,*curIndex);
- }
- (*curIndex)++;
- }
- }
- }