- ListView myList = (ListView) findViewById(android.R.id.list);
- List<Map<String,Object>> groupData = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
- Map<String,Object> curGroupMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
- groupData.add(curGroupMap);
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.back_icon);
- curGroupMap.put("NAME","Go Back");
- curGroupMap.put("VALUE","By clicking here");
- Iterator it = data.entrySet().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext())
- {
- //Get the key name and value for it
- Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry)it.next();
- String keyName = (String) pair.getKey();
- String value = pair.getValue().toString();
- if (value != null)
- {
- //Add the parents -- aka main categories
- curGroupMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
- groupData.add(curGroupMap);
- //Push the correct Icon
- if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Phone"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.phone_icon);
- else if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Housing"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.house_icon);
- else if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Website"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.web_icon);
- else if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Area Snapshot"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.camera_icon);
- else if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Overview"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.overview_icon);
- else if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Location"))
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.map_icon);
- else
- curGroupMap.put("ICON",R.drawable.icon);
- //Pop on the Name and Value
- curGroupMap.put("NAME",keyName);
- curGroupMap.put("VALUE",value);
- }
- }
- curGroupMap = new HashMap<String,"By clicking here");
- //Set up adapter
- mAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(
- mContext,groupData,R.layout.exp_list_parent,new String[] { "ICON","NAME","VALUE" },new int[] { R.id.photoAlbumImg,R.id.rowText1,R.id.rowText2 }
- );
- myList.setAdapter(mAdapter); //Bind the adapter to the list