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- import org.jibble.simpleftp.*;
- try
- {
- SimpleFTP ftp = new SimpleFTP();
- // Connect to an FTP server on port 21.
- ftp.connect("ftp.somewhere.net",21,"username","password");
- // Set binary mode.
- ftp.bin();
- // Change to a new working directory on the FTP server.
- ftp.cwd("web");
- // Upload some files.
- ftp.stor(new File("webcam.jpg"));
- ftp.stor(new File("comicbot-latest.png"));
- // You can also upload from an InputStream,e.g.
- ftp.stor(new FileInputStream(new File("test.png")),"test.png");
- ftp.stor(someSocket.getInputStream(),"blah.dat");
- // Quit from the FTP server.
- ftp.disconnect();
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }