但是,我的Windows 7机器只能看到Box-1.例如,在命令提示符窗口中执行dns-sd会让我这样:
- C:\>dns-sd -B _ssh._tcp
- Browsing for _ssh._tcp
- Timestamp A/R Flags if Domain Service Type Instance Name
- 12:41:14.492 Add 2 17 local. _ssh._tcp. Box-1 SSH
- C:\>ping -6 msli-dcm-2-10330688.local.
- Pinging msli-dcm-2-10330688.local. [fe80::260:2bff:fe02:45f8%17] with 32 bytes of data:
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:45f8%17: time=1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:45f8%17: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:45f8%17: time<1ms
- C:\>ping -6 fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b
- Pinging fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b with 32 bytes of data:
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b: time=4ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b: time<1ms
- Ping statistics for fe80::260:2bff:fe02:461b:
- Packets: Sent = 4,Received = 4,Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
- Minimum = 0ms,Maximum = 4ms,Average = 1ms
- C:\>ping -6 fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2
- Pinging fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2 with 32 bytes of data:
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2: time<1ms
- Reply from fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2: time<1ms
- Ping statistics for fe80::260:2bff:fe02:42e2:
- Packets: Sent = 4,Maximum = 0ms,Average = 0ms
….似乎Bonjour for Windows根本无法识别已发布的主机,除非它具有IPv4地址.这是一个在Windows的Bonjour中的错误,还是我做错了什么? FWIW,我的Windows 7机器正在运行Bonjour