- def send_fax
- contact = Contact.find_by_id(self.contact_id)
- pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- pdf.font "Times-Roman"
- pdf.move_down(20)
- pdf.text "ATTN: #{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}",:size =>,:style => :bold
- pdf.text "RE: #{self.subject}"
- pdf.move_down(20)
- pdf.text "#{self.body}"
- OutboundMailer.deliver_fax_email(contact,self,pdf)
- end
Prawn :: Document.new(:margin => [0,0])
- :margin: Sets the margin on all sides in points [0.5 inch]
- :left_margin: Sets the left margin in points [0.5 inch]
- :right_margin: Sets the right margin in points [0.5 inch]
- :top_margin: Sets the top margin in points [0.5 inch]
- :bottom_margin: Sets the bottom margin in points [0.5 inch]