> Lexicographical order枚举.
Deterministic Finite Automaton 来做到这一点.如果您正在使用正则表达式,则可以通过Thompson的结构自动完成,然后再进行子集构造和最小化.例如见
this description.
- Let P = { < START,[""] > } be a set of pairs <State,list of strings>
- for n = 0,1,... Max
- Let P' = {} be a new set
- while P is not empty
- Remove the pair <s,L> from P
- For each transition s -- c --> t in alpha order of c
- if t is an accepting state,output l + c for each string l in L
- put <t,L + c> in P' (** i.e. append c to each string in L)
- end
- Set P = P'
- end
这是一个核心算法. P可以随着输出长度呈指数增长,但这只是跟踪未来输出字符串的所有可能性的代价.您可以通过在列表L中维护排序顺序并通过在达到资源限制时切断搜索来确保您提到的订单/大小/空间限制.
- import java.util.Comparator;
- import java.util.TreeSet;
- public class Test{
- public static class DFA {
- public static class Transition {
- final int to;
- final char lo,hi; // Character range.
- public Transition(int to,char lo,char hi) {
- this.to = to;
- this.lo = lo;
- this.hi = hi;
- }
- public Transition(int to,char ch) {
- this(to,ch,ch);
- }
- }
- // transitions[i] is a vector of transitions from state i.
- final Transition [] [] transitions;
- // accepting[i] is true iff state i is accepting
- final boolean [] accepting;
- // Make a fresh immutable DFA.
- public DFA(Transition [] [] transitions,boolean [] accepting) {
- this.transitions = transitions;
- this.accepting = accepting;
- }
- // A pair is a DFA state number and the input string read to get there.
- private static class Pair {
- final int at;
- final String s;
- Pair(int at,String s) {
- this.at = at;
- this.s = s;
- }
- }
- // Compare pairs ignoring `at` states,since
- // they are equal iff the strings are equal.
- private Comparator<Pair> emitOrder = new Comparator<Pair>() {
- @Override
- public int compare(Pair a,Pair b) {
- return a.s.compareTo(b.s);
- }
- };
- // Emit all strings accepted by the DFA of given max length.
- // Output is in sorted order.
- void emit(int maxLength) {
- TreeSet<Pair> pairs = new TreeSet<Pair>(emitOrder);
- pairs.add(new Pair(0,""));
- for (int len = 0; len <= maxLength; ++len) {
- TreeSet<Pair> newPairs = new TreeSet<Pair>(emitOrder);
- while (!pairs.isEmpty()) {
- Pair pair = pairs.pollFirst();
- for (Transition x : transitions[pair.at]) {
- for (char ch = x.lo; ch <= x.hi; ch++) {
- String s = pair.s + ch;
- if (newPairs.add(new Pair(x.to,s)) && accepting[x.to]) {
- System.out.println(s);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pairs = newPairs;
- }
- }
- }
- // Emit with a little DFA for floating point numbers.
- public void run() {
- DFA.Transition [] [] transitions = {
- { // From 0
- new DFA.Transition(1,'-'),new DFA.Transition(2,'.'),new DFA.Transition(3,'0','1'),},{ // From 1
- new DFA.Transition(2,{ // From 2
- new DFA.Transition(4,{ // From 3
- new DFA.Transition(3,new DFA.Transition(4,{ // From 4
- new DFA.Transition(4,}
- };
- boolean [] accepting = { false,false,true,true };
- new DFA(transitions,accepting).emit(4);
- }
- public static void main (String [] args) {
- new Test().run();
- }
- }