OS:CentOS 6.2
DB: Postgresql 9.2.4
array[1,2] --一维数组
array[[1,2],[3,5]] --二维数组
- [postgres@localhost ~]$ psql
- psql (9.2.4)
- Type "help" for help.
- postgres=# create table t_kenyon(id serial primary key,items int[]);
- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t_kenyon_id_seq" for serial column "t_kenyon.id"
- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t_kenyon_pkey" for table "t_kenyon"
- postgres=# \d+ t_kenyon
- Table "public.t_kenyon"
- Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
- --------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------+--------------+-------------
- id | integer | not null default nextval('t_kenyon_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
- items | integer[] | | extended | |
- Indexes:
- "t_kenyon_pkey" PRIMARY KEY,btree (id)
- Has OIDs: no
- postgres=# create table t_ken(id serial primary key,items int[4]);
- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t_ken_id_seq" for serial column "t_ken.id"
- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t_ken_pkey" for table "t_ken"
- postgres=# \d+ t_ken
- Table "public.t_ken"
- Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
- --------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+----------+--------------+-------------
- id | integer | not null default nextval('t_ken_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
- items | integer[] | | extended | |
- Indexes:
- "t_ken_pkey" PRIMARY KEY,btree (id)
- Has OIDs: no
- 数组的存储方式是extended的。
- a.数据插入,有两种方式
- postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(items) values('{1,2}');
- INSERT 0 1
- postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(items) values('{3,4,5}');
- INSERT 0 1
- postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(items) values(array[6,7,8,9]);
- INSERT 0 1
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
- id | items
- ----+-----------
- 1 | {1,2}
- 2 | {3,5}
- 3 | {6,9}
- (3 rows)
- postgres=# delete from t_kenyon where id = 3;
- postgres=# delete from t_kenyon where items[1] = 4;
- postgres=# delete from t_kenyon where items[1] = 3;
- 往后追加
- postgres=# update t_kenyon set items = items||7;
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
- id | items
- ----+---------
- 1 | {1,2,7}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# update t_kenyon set items = items||'{99,66}';
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
- id | items
- ----+------------------
- 1 | {1,55,99,66}
- (1 row)
- 往前插
- postgres=# update t_kenyon set items = array_prepend(55,items) ;
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
- id | items
- ----+---------------------
- 1 | {55,1,66}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(items) values('{3,5}');
- INSERT 0 1
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon where id = 1;
- id | items
- ----+---------------------
- 1 | {55,66}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon where items[1] = 55;
- id | items
- ----+---------------------
- 1 | {55,66}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# select * from t_kenyon where items[3] = 5;
- id | items
- ----+---------
- 4 | {3,5}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# select items[1],items[3],items[4] from t_kenyon;
- items | items | items
- -------+-------+-------
- 55 | 2 | 7
- 3 | 5 |
- (2 rows)
- postgres=# select unnest(items) from t_kenyon where id = 4;
- unnest
- --------
- 3
- 4
- 5
- (3 rows)
- postgres=# select ARRAY[1,3] <= ARRAY[1,3];
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
3.数组索引 postgres=# create table t_kenyon(id int,items int[]); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t_kenyon values(1,'{1,3}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t_kenyon values(1,'{2,4}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t_kenyon values(1,'{34,8}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t_kenyon values(1,'{99,12}'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# create index idx_t_kenyon on t_kenyon using gin(items); CREATE INDEX postgres=# set enable_seqscan = off; postgres=# explain select * from t_kenyon where items@>array[2]; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on t_kenyon (cost=8.00..12.01 rows=1 width=36) Recheck Cond: (items @> '{2}'::integer[]) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_t_kenyon (cost=0.00..8.00 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: (items @> '{2}'::integer[]) (4 rows)
- postgres=# select array[['11','12'],['23','34']]::int[];
- array
- -------------------
- {{11,12},{23,34}}
- (1 row)
- postgres=# select array[[11,12],[23,34]]::text[];
- array
- -------------------
- {{11,34}}
- (1 row)
Operator | Description | Example | Result | |||||||||||||||||
= | equal | ARRAY[1.1,2.1,3.1]::int[] = ARRAY[1,3] | t | |||||||||||||||||
<> | not equal | ARRAY[1,3] <> ARRAY[1,4] | < | less than | > | greater than | <= | less than or equal | >= | greater than or equal | @> | contains | <@ | is contained by | ARRAY[2,7] <@ ARRAY[1,6] | && | overlap (have elements in common) | || | array-to-array concatenation | ARRAY[1,3] || ARRAY[4,5,239)"> {1,3,6} |
|| | array-to-array concatenation | {{1,3},{4,6},{7,9}} | ||||||||||||||||||
element-to-array concatenation | 3 || ARRAY[4,248)">{3,248)">array-to-element concatenation | ARRAY[4,6] || 7 | {4,6,7} |
Function Return Type array_append(anyarray,anyelement) anyarray append an element to the end of an array array_append(ARRAY[1,3) {1,3} array_cat(anyarray,anyarray) anyarray concatenate two arrays array_cat(ARRAY[1,3],ARRAY[4,5]) array_ndims(anyarray) int returns the number of dimensions of the array array_ndims(ARRAY[[1,[4,6]]) 2 array_dims(anyarray) text returns a text representation of array's dimensions array_dims(ARRAY[[1,248)">[1:2][1:3] array_fill(anyelement,int[],[,int[]]) returns an array initialized with supplied value and dimensions,optionally with lower bounds other than 1 array_fill(7,ARRAY[3],ARRAY[2]) [2:4]={7,7} array_length(anyarray,int) returns the length of the requested array dimension array_length(array[1,1) 3 array_lower(anyarray,248)">returns lower bound of the requested array dimension array_lower('[0:2]={1,3}'::int[],248)">0 array_prepend(anyelement,248)">append an element to the beginning of an array array_prepend(1,ARRAY[2,3]) array_to_string(anyarray,text[,text]) concatenates array elements using supplied delimiter and optional null string array_to_string(ARRAY[1,NULL,5],','*') 1,*,5 array_upper(anyarray,248)">returns upper bound of the requested array dimension array_upper(ARRAY[1,7],248)">4 string_to_array(text,248)">text[] splits string into array elements using supplied delimiter and optional null string string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz','~^~','yy') {xx,zz} unnest(anyarray) setof anyelement expand an array to a set of rows unnest(ARRAY[1,2])
(2 rows)
- 1
- 2