PostgreSQL学习篇9.14 XML类型,
- 注:要使用xml数据类型,在编译Postgresql的时候必须使用:
- configure --with-libxml
- 如果编译的时候没有使用此选项:
- postgres=# select xml '<osdba>hello world</osdba>';
- ERROR: unsupported XML feature at character 12
- DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with libxml support.
- HINT: You need to rebuild Postgresql using --with-libxml.
- STATEMENT: select xml '<osdba>hello world<osdba>';
- ERROR: unsupported XML feature
- LINE 1: select xml '<osdba>hello world</osdba>';
- ^
- DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with libxml support.
- HINT: You need to rebuild Postgresql using --with-libxml.
- postgres=#
- 以--with-libxml重新装一次pg:
- postgres=# select xml '<osdba>hello world</osdba>';
- xml
- ----------------------------
- <osdba>hello world</osdba>
- (1 row)
- postgres=#
- 关于xml存储的参数:
- postgres=# show xmloption;
- xmloption
- -----------
- content
- (1 row)
- postgres=#
- xmloption有两个参数:content和document
- 改变语法:set xmloption to document;
- 使用xmlparse函数是sql标准中将字符串换成XML的唯一方式。
- postgres=# select xmlparse (content '<persion><name>john</name><sex>f</sex></persion>');
- xmlparse
- --------------------------------------------------
- <persion><name>john</name><sex>f</sex></persion>
- (1 row)
- postgres=#