Postfix Php Mail()VS Postfix SMTP

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Postfix Php Mail()VS Postfix SMTP前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
大多数CMS(例如Joomla)默认带有PHP mail(),如果需要,可以选择将其更改为SMTP.我将在Debian 7上的相同VPS中设置网络服务器和邮件服务器(Postfix).我想要了解的是:

>交货信誉:使用PHP mail()vs SMTP会对交付率产生任何影响吗?根据我的理解,Postfix在发送电子邮件时与互联网上的其他服务器进行通信时会使用SMTP协议,因此可以安全地假设电子邮件是通过PHP邮件发送到postfix或者从localhost发送的. ?这两种方法中的任何一种都会以任何方式影响电子邮件声誉吗?


Delivery Reputation:@H_502_15@ Would using PHP mail() vs SMTP make any difference with the delivery rate? From what I understand,Postfix is going to be using SMTP protocol when communicating with other servers on the internet when delivering emails,so therefore is it safe to assume that it doesnt matter if the email was sent to postfix via PHP mail or smpt from localhost? Does any of these 2 methods affect the email reputation is any ways even in a small way?

没有关系. Postfix可以通过mail()和SMTP接收电子邮件.处理后,postfix将通过SMTP发送.

Performance Load@H_502_15@: Is there any performance difference between PHP mail and SMTP when sending emails? Say,if I am sending like 10,000 emails,which method would take the most resources (or time)? My assumption is that both can take a bit of time like: PHP mail for compiling the emails with headers,etc.. and SMTP for making connections each time. Which one consumes the most server resources?



在mail()命令中,PHP调用sendmail命令,程序将您的电子邮件放在maildrop队列目录中的文件中. Pickup守护程序扫描该目录,并将电子邮件移动到清理守护程序.


资料来源:official documentation of postfix

Security Issue: When I searched for the difference between the two,many sites says about the security issue with PHP mail since a hacker can upload PHP script to send out spams. But I can also see another security issue with SMTP as well since the SMTP username and passwords are stored in configuration file in text which is not secure neither. Since there are security issues for both methods,does one weigh better than the other in any aspects?



PHP本身,没有保护限制垃圾邮件发送者可以调用多少SMTP连接或mail().放置防线的一个地方是MTA(后缀).不幸的是,您无法限制从mail()命令调用的传入邮件.但是,您可以限制从SMTP连接发出的发送请求数. Policydpostfwd可以帮助postfix节流它.

注意:以上说明是关于接收电子邮件时的限制流程.当然,你可以在发送电子邮件时加油.例如,您每分钟限制20封电子邮件到@ gmail.com以避免GMAIL黑名单守护程序阻止您.请参阅有关Postfix Performance Tuning的文档


