Welcome to cx_Oracle’s documentation!

Welcome to cx_Oracle’s documentation!

cx_Oracleis a module that enables access to Oracle Database and conforms to the Python database API specification. This module is currently tested against Oracle Client 11.2,12.1 and 12.2 and Python 2.7,3.4,3.5 and 3.6.

cx_Oracleis distributed under an open-sourcelicense(the BSD license).


Indices and tables



数据库版本: RAC(1)问题现象从EM里面可以看到,在23号早上8:45~8:55时,数据库等待会话暴增...
(1)DRA介绍 数据恢复顾问(Data Recovery Advise)是一个诊断和修复数据库的工具,DRA能够修复数据文...
RMAN(Recovery Manager)是Oracle恢复管理器的简称,是集数据库备份(backup)、修复(restore)和恢复...
(1)备份对象 可以使用RMAN进行的备份对象如下: --整个数据库:备份所有的数据文件和控制文件; --数...