我的查询 –
select cu.CustomerID,cu.FirstName,cu.LastName,COUNT(si.InvoiceID)as inv --1 from Customer as cu inner join SalesInvoice as si --2 on cu.CustomerID = si.CustomerID -- 3 -- put the WHERE clause here ! --4 group by cu.CustomerID,cu.LastName -- 5 where cu.FirstName = 'mark' -- 6
我得到错误 – 关键字’where’附近的语法不正确.
你能告诉我为什么会收到这个错误吗?我想知道为什么WHERE出现在GROUP BY之前而不是之后.
你订单错了. WHERE子句在GROUP BY之前:
select cu.CustomerID,COUNT(si.InvoiceID)as inv from Customer as cu inner join SalesInvoice as si on cu.CustomerID = si.CustomerID where cu.FirstName = 'mark' group by cu.CustomerID,cu.LastName
如果要在GROUP BY之后执行过滤器,则将使用HAVING子句:
select cu.CustomerID,COUNT(si.InvoiceID)as inv from Customer as cu inner join SalesInvoice as si on cu.CustomerID = si.CustomerID group by cu.CustomerID,cu.LastName having cu.FirstName = 'mark'
HAVING子句通常用于聚合函数过滤,因此在GROUP BY之后应用它是有意义的
要了解这里的操作顺序是article explaining the order.从文章中sql的操作顺序是:
To start out,I thought it would be good to look up the order in which sql directives get executed as this will change the way I can optimize:
FROM clause WHERE clause GROUP BY clause HAVING clause SELECT clause ORDER BY clause
使用此顺序,您将在GROUP BY之前的WHERE中应用过滤器. WHERE用于限制记录数.