OpenLDAP 2.4.21服务器,包含~15个组和> 100个用户,所有服务器都具有存储在LDAP中的unix和samba密码,以及分配和存储在LDAP中的用户SID和主要组SID,这些服务器来自SID LDAP服务器.
samba服务器是使用ldap服务器配置NSS / PAM的linux. getent passwd / group返回所有用户,ssh到samba机器适用于所有用户.现在这是smb.conf:
- [global]
- workgroup = XXXXX
- security = user
- passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://myldapserver
- ldap suffix = dc=mydomain,dc=com
- ldap admin dn = cn=replicator,dc=mydomain,dc=com
- ldap user suffix = ou=users
- ldap group suffix = ou=groups
- ldap machine suffix = ou=computers
- ldap ssl = start tls
ldap连接正常工作,如pdbedit -L所示
- pm_process() returned Yes
- smbldap_search_domain_info: Searching for:[(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=SAMBAHOSTNAME))]
- StartTLS issued: using a TLS connection
- smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
- ldap_connect_system: successful connection to the LDAP server
- The LDAP server is successfully connected
- smbldap_search_paged: base => [dc=mydomain,dc=com],filter => [(&(uid=*)(objectclass=sambaSamAccount))],scope => [2],pagesize => [1024]
- smbldap_search_paged: search was successful
- sid S-1-5-21-[LDAPSID]-5168 does not belong to our domain
使用smbclient -L localhost -U someid日志文件说:
- check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [XXX]\[someid]@[SAMBAHOST] with the new password interface
- check_ntlm_password: mapped user is: [SAMBAHOST]\[someid]@[SAMBAHOST]
- StartTLS issued: using a TLS connection
- smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
- ldap_connect_system: successful connection to the LDAP server
- The LDAP server is successfully connected
- init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: someid
- Home server: SAMBAHOST
- Home server: SAMBAHOST
- init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1011
- init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1011
- Primary group S-1-5-21-[LDAPSID]-1000 for user someid is a UNKNOWN and not a domain group
- Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for someid
- ntlm_password_check: Checking NTLMv2 password with domain [CIN]
- sam_account_ok: Checking SMB password for user someid
- The primary group domain sid(S-1-5-21-[LOCALSID]-513) does not match the domain sid(S-1-5-21-[LDAPSID]) for someid(S-1-5-21-[LDAPSID]-5708)
- check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() Failed with 'NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'
- check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [someid] -> [someid] Failed with error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
我在这里看到的是samba服务器无法识别用户的主要组(LDAP中的现有组),因此将主要组映射到其本地“Domain Users”组,然后显然与domainSID不匹配用户ID.
将samba服务器的SID更改为LDAP服务器的SID,但net setlocalsid S -…未更改本地SID.没有错误消息,只是成功执行但getlocalsid返回旧的SID.
将samba服务器的domainsid设置为ldap服务器的SID. net setdomainsid S -…成功但samba服务器仍然拒绝对用户进行身份验证.
尝试使用net join XXX将服务器添加到域,但答案只是“独立服务器无法加入域”.
我试图运行smbpasswd -a将用户添加到本地samba数据库(即使这不是最终解决方案的选项,但这是其他用户推荐的),但错误没有改变.
如何告诉samba忽略域SID不匹配或强制samba与LDAP具有相同的SID?或者这会导致其他问题,如果~10 Samba Server和LDAP最终都具有完全相同的SID?
- [2015/12/03 14:39:19.753690,1] ../source3/auth/server_info.c:346(samu_to_SamInfo3)
- The primary group domain sid(S-1-5-21-748580849-194208185-3916830000-513) does not match the domain sid(S-1-5-21-2566626306-4294080665-3504248766) for someuser(S-1-5-21-2566626306-4294080665-3504248766-11678)
- [2015/12/03 14:39:19.753733,0] ../source3/auth/check_samsec.c:492(check_sam_security)
- check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() Failed with 'NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'
- [2015/12/03 14:39:19.753755,2] ../source3/auth/auth.c:288(auth_check_ntlm_password)
- check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [someuser] -> [bbogaert] Failed with error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
- [2015/12/03 14:39:19.753777,2] ../auth/gensec/spnego.c:743(gensec_spnego_server_negTokenTarg)
在您的服务器上运行net getdomainsid.这将返回localsid和domainsid.这些值应该匹配.如果它们不将net setdomainsid运行到本地计算机的SID值.
- root@TheWiggle:~# net getdomainsid
- SID for local machine THEWIGGLE is: S-1-5-21-748580849-194208185-3916830000
- SID for domain THISDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-748580849-194208185-3916830000
现在在LDAP服务器上获取域的SID值,并确保这是sambaDomainName = THISDOMAIN的sambaSID属性的值.