我已经发现我可以克隆Ember数据记录并复制其属性,但是没有任何belongsTo / hasMany关系被克隆.如果我不知道什么样的关系可能会脱离现有的关系,我能以某种方式这样做吗?
- var attributeKeys = oldModel.get('constructor.attributes.keys.list');
- var newRecord = this.get('store').createRecord(oldModel.constructor.typeKey);
- newRecord.setProperties(oldModel.getProperties(attributeKeys));
- DS.Model.reopen({
- clone: function(overrides) {
- var model = this,attrs = model.toJSON(),class_type = model.constructor;
- var root = Ember.String.decamelize(class_type.toString().split('.')[1]);
- /*
- * Need to replace the belongsTo association ( id ) with the
- * actual model instance.
- *
- * For example if belongsTo association is project,the
- * json value for project will be: ( project: "project_id_1" )
- * and this needs to be converted to ( project: [projectInstance] )
- */
- this.eachRelationship(function(key,relationship) {
- if (relationship.kind == 'belongsTo') {
- attrs[key] = model.get(key);
- }
- });
- /*
- * Need to dissociate the new record from the old.
- */
- delete attrs.id;
- /*
- * Apply overrides if provided.
- */
- if (Ember.typeOf(overrides) === 'object') {
- Ember.setProperties(attrs,overrides);
- }
- return this.store.createRecord(root,attrs);
- }
- });