javascript – AngularJs:指令永远不会调用

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了javascript – AngularJs:指令永远不会调用前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


  1. angular.module('popup').directive('popup',['Locator','PopupService',// This line of code is reached
  2. function(Locator,PopupService) {
  3. return {
  4. restrict: 'A',scope: {
  5. "show": '=',"anchor": '=','direction': '='
  6. },link: function($scope,element,attr) { // This never called
  7. $scope.$watch('show',function(newValue,oldValue) {
  8. if (newValue) { // This is never called
  9. var pos = Locator.getCenterPosition($($scope.anchor));
  10. PopupService.togglePopup($(element),{
  11. x: pos.x,y: pos.y,origin: $scope.direction,remove_callback: function() {
  12. $ = false;
  13. console.log("SHOW: " + $;
  14. }
  15. });
  16. } else {
  17. autoHide();
  18. }
  19. },true);
  20. }
  21. };
  22. }
  23. ]);


  1. block total-content
  2. .div {{ edit }}
  3. .main-body(ng-controller="editEditorController" ng-init="popups = {};format.colorMode='W'; draftID='#{draftID}'; draftEditorID='#{draftEditorID}'; draftOwnerID='#{draftOwnerID}' ")
  4. div {{ commentEditor }}
  5. ul#left-tool-list.side-tool-list.tool-list()
  6. li#comments-tool-Box
  7. span.tool-Box-title Comments
  8. span.tool-Box-control-area
  9. #tool-Box-controls
  10. span#comment-button.tool-Box-button(ng-click="newComment()") Add Comment
  11. span#view-comments-button.tool-Box-button(ng-init="popups.showCommentPopup = false" ng-click="popups.showCommentPopup = true; $event.stopPropogation();" stop-event='click') View Comments
  12. div#comment-list-container(popup show="popups.showCommentPopup" anchor="'#view-comments-button'" direction="'top'") // The directive in question
  13. comment-displayer#comment-list(edit="edit")


  1. var editEditorApp = angular.module('editEditorApp',['general','API','popup']);


  1. /* App */ script(src='/js/angular/editEditor/editEditorApp.js')
  2. /* JQuery */ script(src='/js/pxem.JQuery.js')
  3. /* Plain JS */ script(src='/styles/js/window-height.js')
  4. /* Tinymce */ script(src='/js/ice_tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js')
  5. /* JQuery dep. */ script(src='/js/jquery.browser.min.js')
  6. /* Angular Module - factory */ script(src='/js/angular/api/api.js')
  7. /* Angular Module - directives */ script(src='/js/angular/directives/general.js')
  8. /* Angular Module - popup (services) */ script(src='/js/angular/general/popupService.js')
  9. /* Angular Module - popup (directive) */ script(src='/js/angular/directives/popup.js')
  10. /* Angular Module */ script(src='/js/angular/filter/cut.js')
  11. /* Angular Module - factory */ script(src='/js/angular/editEditor/commentLikeCreator.js')
  12. /* Angular Module - factory */ script(src='/js/angular/editEditor/autoSave.js')
  13. /* Angular Module - directives */ script(src='/js/angular/editEditor/commentBox.js')
  14. /* Angular Module - directives */ script(src='/js/angular/editEditor/editor.js')


  1. editEditorApp.directive('commentBox',function(PopupService) {
  2. return {
  3. restrict: 'E',templateUrl: "/partials/edit-comment-Box",replace: true,scope: {
  4. "comment": '=',"onDelete": '=',"onHide": '=',"location": '=',"show": '='
  5. },attr) {
  6. console.log("LINK POPUP");
  7. $scope.$watch('show',oldValue) {
  8. console.log("NEW VALUE: " + newValue);
  9. if (newValue) {
  10. console.log("SHOW!");
  11. $scope.popup = PopupService.popPopup($(element),{
  12. x: location.x,y: location.y,origin: 'bottom',hideOthers: true,remove_callback: function() {
  13. $ = false;
  14. console.log("SHOW: " + $;
  15. }
  16. });
  17. } else {
  18. if ($scope.popup) {
  19. $scope.popup.removePopup();
  20. }
  21. }
  22. });
  23. },controller: function($scope) {
  24. console.log("CONTROLLER");
  25. $scope.delete = function() {
  26. $scope.popup.removePopup();
  27. if ($scope.onDelete) {
  28. $scope.onDelete();
  29. }
  30. };
  31. $scope.hide = function() {
  32. $scope.popup.removePopup();
  33. if ($scope.onHide) {
  34. $scope.onHide();
  35. }
  36. };
  37. }
  38. };
  39. }
  40. );





  1. angular.module('popup',[]).directive('popup',true);
  2. }
  3. };
  4. }
  5. ]);
