javascript – 为什么是undefined == undefined但NaN!= NaN?

参见英文答案 > What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?9个
我想知道为什么undefined == undefined但NaN!= NaN.


因为这是 Abstract Equality Comparison AlgorithmStrict Equality Comparison Algorithm中的定义.



  • If Type(x) is Number,then
    • If x is NaN,return false.
    • If y is NaN,return false.
    • If x is the same Number value as y,return true.
    • If x is +0 and y is −0,return true.
    • If x is −0 and y is +0,return true.
    • Return false.

编辑:@CMS所述的不平等比较动机符合IEEE 754标准.


…The normal comparison operations however treat NaNs as unordered and compare −0 and +0 as equal. The totalOrder predicate will order these cases,and it also distinguishes between different representations of NaNs and between the same decimal floating point number encoded in different ways.


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