- jQuery(document).ready(function () {
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- },//Update the list of PDFs available for download
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- * Field specific functionality
- */
- field: (function () {
- return {
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- edit: function (id,name) {
- },//refresh the value of a field with the latest from the database
- refresh: function (id) {
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- var Page = {
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- * Field specific functionality
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- refresh: function (id) {
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它更容易阅读,更容易混淆,只做你买东西的事情.见cargo cult programming
- var Obj = (function() {
- privateFunction( param ) {
- // do something with param
- }
- var privateVar = 10;
- return {
- // publicMethod has access to privateFunction and privateVar
- publicMethod: function() {
- return privateFunction( privateVar );
- }
- }
- })();
- // a constructor
- // it creates a drink with a particular thirst quenchingness
- function Drink( quenchingness ) {
- this.quenchingness = quenchingness;
- }
- // all drinks created with the Drink constructor get the chill method
- // which works on their own particular quenchingness
- Drink.prototype.chill = function() {
- this.quenchingness *= 2; //twice as thirst quenching
- }
- var orange = new Drink( 10 );
- var beer = new Drink( 125 );
- var i_will_have = ( orange.quenchingness > beer.quenchingness )
- ? orange
- : beer; //beer
- var beer2 = new Drink( 125 );
- beer2.chill();
- var i_will_have = ( beer2.quenchingness > beer.quenchingness )
- ? beer2
- : beer; //beer2 - it's been chilled!
有关构造函数的知识有很多.你必须四处搜寻. SO上有很多例子.
这是因为有些库可以非常有效地模仿经典继承,例如Prototype (inheritance)或mootools (Class). There是others.
很多人说继承在OO中被过度使用了,你应该favour composition,这让我想到了我在开始这个漫无边际的答案时最初的建议.
我建议你阅读Pro JavaScript Design Patterns.那就是它