- const React = require('react')
- const ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
- const App = () => {
- return (
- <div className='app-container'>
- <h1>Hello</h1>
- </div>
- )
- }
- ReactDOM.render(<App />,document.getElementById('app'))
- class App extends React.Component {
- render(){
- return <h1>Hello</h1>;
- }
- }
您可以在此处了解有关有状态与无状态组件的更多信息:ReactJS difference between stateful and stateless和此处React.createClass vs. ES6 arrow function
- // Stateful component
- class FacelookApp extends React.Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = {
- isLoggedIn: false
- };
- }
- receiveClick() {
- this.setState({
- isLoggedIn: !this.state.isLoggedIn
- });
- }
- render() {
- return (
- <div>
- <h4>Welcome,I'm a stateful parent called Facelook App</h4>
- <p>I maintain state to monitor if my awesome user logged
- in. Are you logged in?<br />
- <b>{String(this.state.isLoggedIn)}</b>
- </p><br />
- <p>Hi,we are three stateless (dumb) Loginlogout buttons
- generated using different ES6 Syntax but having the same
- functionality. We don't maintain state. We will tell
- our parent if the user clicks on us. What we render is
- decided by the value of the prop sent to us by our parent.
- </p>
- <Loginlogout1 handleClick={this.receiveClick.bind(this)}
- isLoggedIn={this.state.isLoggedIn}/>
- <Loginlogout2 handleClick={this.receiveClick.bind(this)}
- isLoggedIn={this.state.isLoggedIn}/>
- <Loginlogout3 handleClick={this.receiveClick.bind(this)}
- isLoggedIn={this.state.isLoggedIn}/>
- </div>
- );
- }
- }
- // Stateless functional components
- // created in 3 equally valid ways
- const Loginlogout1 = (props) => {
- return (
- <div>
- <button onClick={() => props.handleClick()}>
- Loginlogout v1 --- {props.isLoggedIn ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In'}
- </button>
- </div>
- );
- };
- // or
- const Loginlogout2 = ({handleClick,isLoggedIn}) => (
- <div>
- <button onClick={() => handleClick()}>
- Loginlogout v2 --- {isLoggedIn ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In'}
- </button>
- </div>
- );
- // or
- const Loginlogout3 = ({handleClick,isLoggedIn}) => {
- return (
- <div>
- <button onClick={() => handleClick()}>
- Loginlogout v3 --- {isLoggedIn ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In'}
- </button>
- </div>
- );
- };
- ReactDOM.render(
- <FacelookApp />,document.getElementById('app')
- );