- <?PHP
- $encoded_line_volume = json_encode($LineVol) . "\n";
- $encoded_loan_volume = json_encode($LoanVol) . "\n";
- $encoded_cluster_name = json_encode($ClusterLine) . "\n";
- ?>
我想在Javascript中访问这三个数组来动态更新我的Google Chart.
- <script type="text/javascript">
- google.load("visualization","1",{packages:["columnchart"]});
- google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
- var linevol = new Array; // This would be the first array passed from PHP
- var loanvol = new Array; // This would be the second array passed from PHP
- var clusters = new Array; // This would be the third array passed from PHP
- function drawChart() {
- var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
- data.addColumn('string','Cluster');
- data.addColumn('number','Loans');
- data.addColumn('number','Lines');
- /* create for loops to add as many columns as necessary */
- var len = jsonarray.length;
- data.addRows(len);
- for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
- data.setValue(i,' '+clusters[i]+''); /* x-axis */
- data.setValue(i,1,linevol[i]); /* Y-axis category #1*/
- data.setValue(i,2,loanvol[i]); /* Y-axis category #2*/
- }
- /*********************************end of loops***************************************/
- var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
- chart.draw(data,{width: 400,height: 240,is3D: true,title: 'Prospect Population',legend: 'right'});
- }
- </script>