OpenJPA 2.3.x的删除顺序发生在错误的顺序,我无法弄清楚原因.
- // grandparent
- @Entity
- @Table(name = "three_phase_motor_input")
- public class ThreePhaseMotorInput implements IThreePhaseMotorInput,Serializable {
- @Id
- @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
- private Long id;
- @Version
- private Integer version;
- @OneToOne(orphanRemoval = true,cascade = CascadeType.ALL,optional = true,targetEntity = UnapprovedThreePhaseMotor.class)
- @JoinColumn(name = "unapproved_id")
- private IThreePhaseMotor unapprovedMotor;
- // parent
- @Entity
- @Table(name = "unapproved_three_phase_motor")
- public class UnapprovedThreePhaseMotor extends ThreePhaseMotor {
- @OneToMany(orphanRemoval = true,fetch = FetchType.LAZY,targetEntity = UnapprovedThreePhaseWire.class)
- @JoinColumn(name = "motor_id",referencedColumnName = "id",nullable = false)
- @OrderColumn(name = "idx")
- private List<IThreePhaseWire> wires;
- // child - Abstract
- @Entity
- @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
- @Access(AccessType.FIELD)
- public abstract class ThreePhaseWire implements IThreePhaseWire,Serializable {
- @Id
- @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
- private Long id;
- // child concrete
- @Entity
- @Table(name = "unapproved_three_phase_wire")
- public class UnapprovedThreePhaseWire extends ThreePhaseWire {
- 572353115 UPDATE three_phase_motor_input SET status = ?,version = ?,approved_id = ?,unapproved_id = ? WHERE id = ? AND version = ? [params=(int) 1,(int) 8,(null) null,(long) 896,(int) 7]
- 1683522521 DELETE FROM unapproved_three_phase_motor WHERE id = ? AND version = ? [params=(long) 209938,(int) 1]
- 446470297 DELETE FROM unapproved_three_phase_wire WHERE id = ? [params=(long) 1394]