




  1. procedure TForm2.OnPopupItemClick(Sender: TObject);
  2. var
  3. i : integer;
  4. begin
  5. with (Sender as TMenuItem) do begin
  6. //if they just checked something...
  7. if Checked then begin
  8. //go through the list and *un* check everything *else*
  9. for i := 0 to (GetParentComponent as TPopupMenu).Items.Count - 1 do begin
  10. if i <> MenuIndex then begin //don't uncheck the one they just clicked!
  11. (GetParentComponent as TPopupMenu).Items[i].Checked := False;
  12. end; //if not the one they just clicked
  13. end; //for each item in the popup
  14. end; //if we checked something
  15. end; //with
  16. end;


  1. procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  2. var
  3. i,j: integer;
  4. begin
  5. inherited;
  7. //look for any popup menus,and assign our custom checkBox handler to them
  8. if Sender is TForm then begin
  9. with (Sender as TForm) do begin
  10. for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin
  11. if (Components[i] is TPopupMenu) then begin
  12. for j := 0 to (Components[i] as TPopupMenu).Items.Count - 1 do begin
  13. (Components[i] as TPopupMenu).Items[j].OnClick := OnPopupItemClick;
  14. end; //for every item in the popup list we found
  15. end; //if we found a popup list
  16. end; //for every component on the form
  17. end; //with the form
  18. end; //if we are looking at a form
  19. end;


  1. procedure TForm2.OnPopupItemClick(Sender: TObject);
  2. var
  3. i : integer;
  4. begin
  5. with (Sender as TMenuItem) do begin
  6. //go through the list and make sure *only* the clicked item is checked
  7. for i := 0 to (GetParentComponent as TPopupMenu).Items.Count - 1 do begin
  8. (GetParentComponent as TPopupMenu).Items[i].Checked := (i = MenuIndex);
  9. end; //for each item in the popup
  10. end; //with
  11. end;
