
我一直在学习SVG,并发现了 this informative article.作者说

Most CSS selectors can be used to select SVG elements. In addition to the general type,class and ID selectors,SVGs can be styled using CSS2’s dynamic pseudo-classes (:hover,:active and :focus) and pseudo-classes (:first-child,:visited,:link and :lang. The remaining CSS2 pseudo-classes,including those having to do with generated content (such as ::before and ::after),are not part of the SVG language definition and,hence,have no effect on the style of SVGs.


  1. <svg width="220" height="220" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  2. <rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100" />
  3. <rect x="110" y="110" width="100" height="100" />
  4. </svg>
  6. <style>
  7. svg { border: 3px dashed #999 }
  8. svg > rect:hover { fill: green }
  9. rect:nth-child(even) { fill:red }
  10. </style>

CSS3:第n个孩子伪类在这里工作得很好(填充第二个矩形红色).另一个例子:用另一个CSS3伪类选择符替换上面的第n个子规则:a:not rule(其余的都保持不变):

  1. rect:not([x="110"]) { fill:red } // fills the 1st rectangle red

我找到了this reference,但并没有帮助我.


注意:我假设这些伪类规则只适用于SVG renderable elements.


这是一个 pen,它通过将填充或笔触属性应用于SVG可渲染元素来演示CSSG伪类选择器(由@andrewli概述)在SVG上的应用.


  1. <svg width="450" height="300">
  2. <g transform="translate(5,5)">
  3. <rect x="0" y="0" width="25" height="25" />
  4. <rect x="0" y="40" width="25" height="25" />
  5. <rect x="0" y="80" width="25" height="25" />
  6. <circle cx="15" cy="132" r="13.5"/>
  7. <circle cx="15" cy="170" r="13.5"/>
  8. <polygon points="2,200 28,200 14,225"/>
  9. <rect x="0" y="240" width="25" height="25" />
  10. </g>
  11. <g transform="translate(5,5)">
  12. <rect x="220" y="0" width="25" height="25" />
  13. </g>
  14. <g transform="translate(5,5)" font-family="Verdana" font-size="16" fill="#444">
  15. <text x="40" y="20" >:root</text>
  16. <text x="40" y="60">:nth-child(2)</text>
  17. <text x="40" y="100">:nth-of-type(3)</text>
  18. <text x="40" y="140">:first-of-type</text>
  19. <text x="40" y="180">:nth-last-of-type(1)</text>
  20. <text x="40" y="220">:only-of-type,:last-of-type</text>
  21. <text x="40" y="260">:nth-last-child(1),:last-child</text>
  22. <text x="260" y="20">:only-child,:last-child</text>
  23. </g>
  24. </svg>


>因为:空被应用于所有void svg元素(< rect>,< circle>,< ellipse>,< polygon>等),它是用于定位SVG形状元素的便利选择器.
