在我看来,MS Office平滑打字是Office套件中非常创新的功能,我想知道这个功能是否适用于.NET Framework中的程序员,特别是C#语言.
- // import the functions (which are part of Win32 API - not .NET)
- [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool SetCaretPos(int x,int y);
- [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern Point GetCaretPos(out Point point);
- public Form1()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // target position to animate towards
- Point targetCaretPos; GetCaretPos(out targetCaretPos);
- // richTextBox1 is some RichTextBox that I dragged on the form in the Designer
- richTextBox1.TextChanged += (s,e) =>
- {
- // we need to capture the new position and restore to the old one
- Point temp;
- GetCaretPos(out temp);
- SetCaretPos(targetCaretPos.X,targetCaretPos.Y);
- targetCaretPos = temp;
- };
- // Spawn a new thread that animates toward the new target position.
- Thread t = new Thread(() =>
- {
- Point current = targetCaretPos; // current is the actual position within the current animation
- while (true)
- {
- if (current != targetCaretPos)
- {
- // The "30" is just some number to have a boundary when not animating
- // (e.g. when pressing enter). You can experiment with your own distances..
- if (Math.Abs(current.X - targetCaretPos.X) + Math.Abs(current.Y - targetCaretPos.Y) > 30)
- current = targetCaretPos; // target too far. Just move there immediately
- else
- {
- current.X += Math.Sign(targetCaretPos.X - current.X);
- current.Y += Math.Sign(targetCaretPos.Y - current.Y);
- }
- // you need to invoke SetCaretPos on the thread which created the control!
- richTextBox1.Invoke((Action)(() => SetCaretPos(current.X,current.Y)));
- }
- // 7 is just some number I liked. The more,the slower.
- Thread.Sleep(7);
- }
- });
- t.IsBackground = true; // The animation thread won't prevent the application from exiting.
- t.Start();
- }