在过去,我们能够通过让我们的软件安装程序在Windows注册表中设置一个参数(在用户安装程序的同意下)来防止在用户登录时自动更新后自动重启.我们能够解决这个问题.对于自动更新,将通知用户存在需要重新启动的更新并且在准备好它时单击按钮.这适用于Windows Vista,7和8 / 8.1.但是,对于最新的Windows 10(我正在使用Creators的更新),该参数似乎不再有效,因为我观察到我的计算机经历了自动更新,我知道该注册表项已经生效.
在我的研究中,我发现似乎是一个希望的地方,可以选择一个设置,其中Windows将为用户提供安排更新的机会,而不是仅在Windows认为合适时自动执行(信息here) .但是,我不确定如何以编程方式设置Windows,以便安排更新的选项成为默认选项.
是否有一种编程方式来设置Windows 10(最好以友好的方式),以便它不会自动重启?
Applications should call this function as they begin an operation that cannot be interrupted,such as burning a CD or DVD. When the operation has completed,call the ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy function to indicate that the system can be shut down.
根据您的评论,您似乎需要使用Windows API例程的帮助.我建议你在适当的库中声明外部函数. (但你可以毫无顾虑地在同一个单位进行测试.)
- function ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(hWnd: HWND; Reason: LPCWSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external user32;
- function ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(hWnd: HWND): BOOL; stdcall; external user32;
要指出的另一个重要的事情(在评论中重复)是你不应该阻止主线程.有关详细信息,请参阅Vista here中首次引入这些更改时的Microsoft文档.
- procedure TForm1.JobStartClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- LErr: Cardinal;
- begin
- ListBox1.Items.Add('Attempting to block shutdown:');
- if (not ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(Application.MainForm.Handle,'Super Critical Job')) then
- begin
- LErr := GetLastError;
- ListBox1.Items.Add('... Failed: ' + SysErrorMessage(LErr));
- //Probably not safe to start your job in this case,but perhaps you
- //choose to give it a shot anyway.
- Exit;
- end;
- ListBox1.Items.Add('... success');
- FJobRunning := True;
- //Start the job.
- //However,NB do not run the job here.
- //If it takes a long time and is not asynchronous,you should probably
- //run your job on a separate thread. ***Do not block the main thread
- // otherwise Windows will still kill your app for not responding***
- end;
- procedure TForm1.JobEndClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- LErr: Cardinal;
- begin
- if (not FJobRunning) then Exit;
- //End the job.
- //Again,do not block the main thread,so perhaps this is rather something
- //to do after you already know the job is done.
- FJobRunning := False;
- ListBox1.Items.Add('Allow shutdown');
- if (not ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(Application.MainForm.Handle)) then
- begin
- LErr := GetLastError;
- ListBox1.Items.Add('... Failed: ' + SysErrorMessage(LErr));
- end;
- end;
- //Declare the handler for the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message as follows.
- //procedure WMQueryEndSession(var AMsg : TWMQueryEndSession); message WM_QUERYENDSESSION;
- procedure TForm1.WMQueryEndSession(var AMsg: TWMQueryEndSession);
- begin
- ListBox1.Items.Add('WMQueryEndSession');
- if (FJobRunning) then
- //NB: This is very important.
- //You still need to confirm that your application wants to block
- //shutdown whenever you receive this message.
- AMsg.Result := 0
- else
- inherited;
- end;