上一篇中,我们大致分析了一下事件处理的整个概括,这一篇,我们来针对EventDispatcher这个核心的事件处理类中的一些函数进行分析,主要涉及到事件的添加,处理, 移除。 1、 添加事件: 1.1. /** Adds a event listener for a specified event with the priority of scene graph. * @param listener The listener of a specified event. * @param node The priority of the listener is based on the draw order of this node. * @note The priority of scene graph will be fixed value 0. So the order of listener item * in the vector will be ' <0,scene graph (0 priority),>0'. */ //注释部分说的很明确,用这个函数,优先级固定为0 void addEventListenerWithSceneGraPHPriority(EventListener* listener,Node* node); -------》》》 void EventDispatcher::addEventListenerWithSceneGraPHPriority(EventListener* listener,Node* node) { CCASSERT(listener && node,"Invalid parameters."); CCASSERT(!listener->isRegistered(),"The listener has been registered."); if (!listener->checkAvailable()) return; listener->setAssociatedNode(node); listener->setFixedPriority(0); //这里就是对应上面的注释,优先级为0 listener->setRegistered(true); addEventListener(listener); //添加监听器 } 1.2. 我们再来看另外一个添加函数: /** Adds a event listener for a specified event with the fixed priority. * @param listener The listener of a specified event. * @param fixedPriority The fixed priority of the listener. * @note A lower priority will be called before the ones that have a higher value. * 0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority. */ //这个添加函数需要传入一个优先级,但是最终调用的也是addEventListener函数 void addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(EventListener* listener,int fixedPriority); 1.3.添加Custom事件的函数 /** Adds a Custom event listener. It will use a fixed priority of 1. * @param eventName A given name of the event. * @param callback A given callback method that associated the event name. * @return the generated event. Needed in order to remove the event from the dispather */ EventListenerCustom* addCustomEventListener(const std::string &eventName,const std::function<void(EventCustom*)>& callback); -→>>> EventListenerCustom* EventDispatcher::addCustomEventListener(const std::string &eventName,const std::function<void(EventCustom*)>& callback) { EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(eventName,callback); addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener,1); //最终还是调用addEventListener(listener);方法,下面我们就来看下这个方法: return listener; } 1.4、 既然所有的添加事件,最终都会调用addEventListener函数,我们就去这个函数中看一下: /** Adds an event listener with item * @note if it is dispatching event,the added operation will be delayed to the end of current dispatch * @see forceAddEventListener */ void addEventListener(EventListener* listener); ----→>>> void EventDispatcher::addEventListener(EventListener* listener) { if (_inDispatch == 0) { forceAddEventListener(listener); //主要是这个函数 } else { _toAddedListeners.push_back(listener); //这个是个临时存储 } listener->retain(); } --→>>>我们进入这个函数中去看下: void EventDispatcher::forceAddEventListener(EventListener* listener) { EventListenerVector* listeners = nullptr; //每一种事件都有一个特定的listenerID,其实就是一个字符串标记,如 const std::string EventListenerTouchOneByOne::LISTENER_ID = "__cc_touch_one_by_one";,根据这个标记,即可以对所有的事件进行分类, 每一种分类都会记录在下面这个map中。 /** Listeners map */ std::unordered_map<EventListener::ListenerID,EventListenerVector*> _listenerMap; EventListener::ListenerID listenerID = listener->getListenerID(); auto itr = _listenerMap.find(listenerID); if (itr == _listenerMap.end()) { listeners = new (std::nothrow) EventListenerVector(); _listenerMap.insert(std::make_pair(listenerID,listeners)); } else { listeners = itr->second; } listeners->push_back(listener); //假如到分类的列表中 //这里对优先级为0的进行了特殊处理,刚才在上面有个添加函数,优先级固定为0,这里对他要进行一些特殊处理 if (listener->getFixedPriority() == 0) { setDirty(listenerID,DirtyFlag::SCENE_GRAPH_PRIORITY); auto node = listener->getAssociatedNode(); CCASSERT(node != nullptr,"Invalid scene graph priority!"); associateNodeAndEventListener(node,listener); if (node->isRunning()) { resumeEventListenersForTarget(node); } } else { setDirty(listenerID,DirtyFlag::FIXED_PRIORITY); } } 注意: EventListenerCustom* addCustomEventListener(const std::string &eventName,const std::function<void(EventCustom*)>& callback); 在使用上面这个函数添加Custom事件时,Custom事件的ListenerID就是传进来的eventName函数。