- // determines which words in a vector consist of the same letters
- // outputs the words with the same letters on the same line
- void equivalentWords(vector <string> words,ofstream & outFile) {
- outFile << "Equivalent words\n";
- // checkedWord is parallel to the words vector. It is
- // used to make sure each word is only displayed once.
- vector <bool> checkedWord (words.size(),false);
- for(int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
- if (!checkedWord[i]){
- outFile << " ";
- for(int j = i; j < words.size(); j++){
- if(equivalentWords(words[i],words[j],outFile)) {
- outFile << words[j] << " ";
- checkedWord[j] = true;
- }
- }
- outFile << "\n";
- }
- }
- }
在我的python代码中(下面),而不是第二个向量,我有一个字符串列表的列表(“单词”),前一个字符串中的字符的排序列表(因为字符串是不可变的),以及一个bool (告诉我们这个词是否已被检查过).但是,我无法弄清楚如何在遍历列表时更改值.
- for word,s_word,checked in words:
- if not checked:
- for word1,s_word1,checked1 in words:
- if s_word1 == s_word:
- checked1 = True # this doesn't work
- print word1,print ""
- index = {}
- for word,s_word in words:
- index[s_word] = index.get(s_word,[]) + [word]
- for similar_words in index.values():
- print ' '.join(similar_words)
不知道你使用它的是什么,但是你可能会感兴趣的是在python 2.7中Counter类是在collections模块中引入的.
- checked = [False] * len(words)
- for i,(word,word_s) in enumerate(words):
- if checked[i]:
- continue
- for j,(other,other_s) in enumerate(words[i:]):
- if word_s == other_s:
- print other,checked[i+j] = True