Using this pointer causes strange deoptimization in hot loop
问题是我正在写一个类型为uint8_t的数组,并且编译器将其视为可以使用方法的this指针(类型为struct T *)进行别名,因为void *和char *(= uint8_t *)可以始终别名C中的任何其他指针.此行为导致错过优化机会.当然,我想避免这种情况.所以问题是:我是否可以声明一个强制执行严格别名的uint8_t数组,即编译器将其视为从不与另一种类型的指针混淆?即,我正在寻找类似strict_uint8_t类型的东西,它是一个具有特殊别名行为的uint8_t.有没有办法实现这个目标?
- struct T{
- uint8_t* target;
- void unpack3bit(char* source,int size) {
- while(size > 0){
- uint64_t t = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(source);
- /** `this->target` cannot be cached in a register here but has
- to be reloaded 16 times because the compiler
- thinks that `this->target` could alias with `this` itself.
- What I want is a special uint8_t type that does not trigger
- this behavIoUr. */
- this->target[0] = t & 0x7;
- this->target[1] = (t >> 3) & 0x7;
- this->target[2] = (t >> 6) & 0x7;
- this->target[3] = (t >> 9) & 0x7;
- this->target[4] = (t >> 12) & 0x7;
- this->target[5] = (t >> 15) & 0x7;
- this->target[6] = (t >> 18) & 0x7;
- this->target[7] = (t >> 21) & 0x7;
- this->target[8] = (t >> 24) & 0x7;
- this->target[9] = (t >> 27) & 0x7;
- this->target[10] = (t >> 30) & 0x7;
- this->target[11] = (t >> 33) & 0x7;
- this->target[12] = (t >> 36) & 0x7;
- this->target[13] = (t >> 39) & 0x7;
- this->target[14] = (t >> 42) & 0x7;
- this->target[15] = (t >> 45) & 0x7;
- source+=6;
- size-=6;
- target+=16;
- }
- }
- };
- enum strict_uint8_t : uint8_t {};
- struct strict_uint8_t {
- enum : uint8_t {} i;
- strict_uint8_t(uint8_t i) : i{i} {}
- operator uint8_t() const { return i; }
- };