当在生产环境中托管时,WebAPI存在于外部未公开的服务器上,因此OData响应中返回的各种链接(例如@ odata.context和@ odata.nextLink)指向内部IP地址,例如,http://192.168.X.X/\u0026lt; AccountName> / api / …等
我已经能够修改Request.ODataProperties().NextLink,在每个ODataController方法中实现一些逻辑,用一个外部URL替换内部URL,如https://account-name.domain.com/api/. ..,但这非常不方便,只能修复NextLinks.
- var externalAddress = ConfigClient.Get().ExternalAddress; // e.g. https://account-name.domain.com
- var account = ConfigClient.Get().Id; // e.g. AccountName
- var uriToReplace = new Uri(new Uri("http://" + Request.RequestUri.Host),account);
- string originalUri = Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
- Request.RequestUri = new Uri(Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Replace(uriToReplace.AbsoluteUri,externalAddress));
- string newUri = Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
- this.GetLogger().Info($"Request URI was rewritten from {originalUri} to {newUri}");
这完美地修复了所有控制器的@ odata.nextLink URL,但由于某种原因,@ odata.context URL仍然获得AccountName部分(例如https://account-name.domain.com/AccountName/api/odata/ $Metadata#ControllerName),因此它们仍然不起作用.
计算的,它以某种方式引用原始请求URI的路径. (因此你在@ odata.context链接中看到的AccountName.我在我的代码中看到过这种行为,但是我无法找到缓存的URI路径的来源.)
我们可以通过创建CustomUrlHelper类来动态重写OData链接,而不是重写RequestUri.新的GetNextPageLink方法将处理@ odata.nextLink重写,而Link方法覆盖将处理所有其他重写.
- public class CustomUrlHelper : System.Web.Http.Routing.UrlHelper
- {
- public CustomUrlHelper(HttpRequestMessage request) : base(request)
- { }
- // Change these strings to suit your specific needs.
- private static readonly string ODataRouteName = "ODataRoute"; // Must be the same as used in api config
- private static readonly string TargetPrefix = "http://localhost:8080/somePathPrefix";
- private static readonly int TargetPrefixLength = TargetPrefix.Length;
- private static readonly string ReplacementPrefix = "http://www.contoso.com"; // Do not end with slash
- // Helper method.
- protected string ReplaceTargetPrefix(string link)
- {
- if (link.StartsWith(TargetPrefix))
- {
- if (link.Length == TargetPrefixLength)
- {
- link = ReplacementPrefix;
- }
- else if (link[TargetPrefixLength] == '/')
- {
- link = ReplacementPrefix + link.Substring(TargetPrefixLength);
- }
- }
- return link;
- }
- public override string Link(string routeName,IDictionary<string,object> routeValues)
- {
- var link = base.Link(routeName,routeValues);
- if (routeName == ODataRouteName)
- {
- link = this.ReplaceTargetPrefix(link);
- }
- return link;
- }
- public Uri GetNextPageLink(int pageSize)
- {
- return new Uri(this.ReplaceTargetPrefix(this.Request.GetNextPageLink(pageSize).ToString()));
- }
- }
- public abstract class BaSEODataController : ODataController
- {
- protected abstract int DefaultPageSize { get; }
- protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
- {
- base.Initialize(controllerContext);
- var helper = new CustomUrlHelper(controllerContext.Request);
- controllerContext.RequestContext.Url = helper;
- controllerContext.Request.ODataProperties().NextLink = helper.GetNextPageLink(this.DefaultPageSize);
- }
- var helper = this.RequestContext.Url as CustomUrlHelper;
- this.Request.ODataProperties().NextLink = helper.GetNextPageLink(otherPageSize);