ASP.NET Web应用程序(MVC)部署自动化和Subversion

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ASP.NET Web应用程序(MVC)部署自动化和Subversion前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。






您可能需要考虑使用NAnt或类似的东西来完成您希望自动化的任务,例如构建和发布到Subversion.这是WebApplication Project的大部分构建文件. MVC可能有所不同.如果是这样,我相信你可以用这个作为起点.我绝不是NAnt专家所以可能存在一些缺陷,但这对我来说肯定有用.

我不得不将PublishToFileSystem目标添加到我想要发布的每个.csproj文件中.它的来源可以be found here.

Build file also available on Pastebin

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <project name="deploy" default="all">
  3. <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-4.0" />
  4. <!-- Any of these can be passed through the command line -->
  5. <property name="sourceDirectory" value="${project::get-base-directory()}" />
  6. <property name="publishDirectory" value="${sourceDirectory}\build" />
  7. <property name="MSBuildPath" value="${framework::get-assembly-directory(framework::get-target-framework())}\msbuild.exe" />
  8. <!-- The build configuration to use when publishing and transforming the web.config file. This is useful when you have multiple environments for which you create builds -->
  9. <property name="buildConfiguration" value="Release" />
  10. <!-- Set these as needed -->
  11. <property name="svn.username" value="" />
  12. <property name="svn.password" value="" />
  14. <target name="SvnPrep">
  15. <property name="svn.dir" value="${publishDirectory}\.svn" />
  16. <property name="svn.update" value="true" readonly="false" />
  17. <echo>env.svn.path = svn</echo>
  18. <echo>svn.dir = ${svn.dir}</echo>
  19. <mkdir dir="${publishDirectory}" unless="${directory::exists(publishDirectory)}" />
  20. <!-- Check if there's a .svn dir already. If not: checkout,else: update. -->
  21. <if test="${not directory::exists(svn.dir)}">
  22. <exec program='svn.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}" verbose="true">
  23. <arg line='co ${svn.builduri} --username ${svn.username} --password ${svn.password} --non-interactive ./' />
  24. </exec>
  25. <property name="svn.update" value="false" readonly="false" />
  26. </if>
  27. <if test="${svn.update}">
  28. <exec program='svn.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}\" verbose="true">
  29. <arg line='up --username ${svn.username} --password ${svn.password} --non-interactive --force ./' />
  30. </exec>
  31. </if>
  32. <!-- Force any conflicts to be resolved with the most recent code -->
  33. <exec program='svn.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}\" verbose="true">
  34. <arg line='resolve --accept theirs-full -R ./' />
  35. </exec>
  36. </target>
  38. <target name="DeleteFiles">
  39. <!-- Delete only the files (retain directory structure) in the directory to which you are going to publish/build. NAnt excludes svn directories by default. -->
  40. <delete includeemptydirs="false">
  41. <fileset basedir="${publishDirectory}">
  42. <include name="**/*.*" />
  43. </fileset>
  44. </delete>
  45. </target>
  46. <target name="Publish">
  47. <!-- I know there's an MSBuild task,I don't know why I didn't use it,but this works. -->
  48. <!-- Build and publish frontend -->
  49. <exec program="${MSBuildPath}">
  50. <arg line='"${sourceDirectory}\YourProject.csproj"' />
  51. <arg value='"/p:Platform=Anycpu;Configuration=${buildConfiguration};PublishDestination=${publishDirectory}"' />
  52. <arg value="/target:PublishToFileSystem" />
  53. </exec>
  54. <!-- Transform the correct web.config and copy it to the build folder. PublishToFileSystem doesn't transform the web.config,unfortunately. -->
  55. <exec program="${MSBuildPath}">
  56. <arg line='"${sourceDirectory}\YourProject.csproj"' />
  57. <arg value='"/p:Platform=Anycpu;Configuration=${buildConfiguration};PublishDestination=${publishDirectory}"' />
  58. <arg value="/target:TransformWebConfig" />
  59. </exec>
  60. <copy file="${sourceDirectory}\YourProject\obj\${buildConfiguration}\TransformWebConfig\transformed\Web.config" tofile="${publishDirectory}\YourProject\web.config" overwrite="true" />
  61. </target>
  63. <target name="SvnCommit">
  64. <!-- add any new files -->
  65. <exec program='svn.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}" verbose="true">
  66. <arg line='add --force .' />
  67. </exec>
  68. <!-- delete any missing files,a modification of this -->
  69. <!-- When there's nothing to delete it looks like this fails (to NAnt) but it is actually fine,that's why failonerror is false -->
  70. <exec program='cmd.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}\" verbose="true" failonerror="false"
  71. commandline='/C for /f "usebackq tokens=2*" %i in (`svn status ^| findstr /r "^\!"`) do svn del "%i %j"' >
  72. </exec>
  73. <exec program='svn.exe' workingdir="${publishDirectory}" verbose="true">
  74. <arg line='commit -m "Automated commit from build runner"' />
  75. </exec>
  76. </target>
  78. <target name="ShowProperties">
  79. <script language="C#" prefix="util" >
  80. <code>
  81. <![CDATA[
  82. public static void ScriptMain(Project project)
  83. {
  84. foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in project.Properties)
  85. {
  86. Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}",entry.Key,entry.Value);
  87. }
  88. }
  89. ]]>
  90. </code>
  91. </script>
  92. </target>
  94. <target name="all">
  95. <call target="ShowProperties" />
  96. <call target="SvnPrep" />
  97. <call target="DeleteFiles" />
  98. <call target="Publish" />
  99. <call target="SvnCommit" />
  100. </target>
  101. </project>
