我目前正在记录所有Perl 5的操作符(参见
perlopref GitHub项目),我决定也包括Perl 5的伪运算符。对我来说,Perl中的伪运算符是任何看起来像运算符的东西,但实际上是多个运算符或一些其他语法。我已经记录了我熟悉的四个:
>()= countof运算符
> =()= goatse / countof运算符
> ~~标量上下文运算符
>} {爱斯基摩吻操作符
- =head1 Pseudo-operators
- There are idioms in Perl 5 that appear to be operators,but are really a
- combination of several operators or pieces of Syntax. These pseudo-operators
- have the precedence of the constituent parts.
- =head2 ()= X
- =head3 Description
- This pseudo-operator is the list assignment operator (aka the countof
- operator). It is made up of two items C<()>,and C<=>. In scalar context
- it returns the number of items in the list X. In list context it returns an
- empty list. It is useful when you have something that returns a list and
- you want to know the number of items in that list and don't care about the
- list's contents. It is needed because the comma operator returns the last
- item in the sequence rather than the number of items in the sequence when it
- is placed in scalar context.
- It works because the assignment operator returns the number of items
- available to be assigned when its left hand side has list context. In the
- following example there are five values in the list being assigned to the
- list C<($x,$y,$z)>,so C<$count> is assigned C<5>.
- my $count = my ($x,$z) = qw/a b c d e/;
- The empty list (the C<()> part of the pseudo-operator) triggers this
- behavior.
- =head3 Example
- sub f { return qw/a b c d e/ }
- my $count = ()= f(); #$count is now 5
- my $string = "cat cat dog cat";
- my $cats = ()= $string =~ /cat/g; #$cats is now 3
- print scalar( ()= f() ),"\n"; #prints "5\n"
- =head3 See also
- L</X = Y> and L</X =()= Y>
- =head2 X =()= Y
- This pseudo-operator is often called the goatse operator for reasons better
- left unexamined; it is also called the list assignment or countof operator.
- It is made up of three items C<=>,C<()>,and C<=>. When X is a scalar
- variable,the number of items in the list Y is returned. If X is an array
- or a hash it it returns an empty list. It is useful when you have something
- that returns a list and you want to know the number of items in that list
- and don't care about the list's contents. It is needed because the comma
- operator returns the last item in the sequence rather than the number of
- items in the sequence when it is placed in scalar context.
- It works because the assignment operator returns the number of items
- available to be assigned when its left hand side has list context. In the
- following example there are five values in the list being assigned to the
- list C<($x,$z) = qw/a b c d e/;
- The empty list (the C<()> part of the pseudo-operator) triggers this
- behavior.
- =head3 Example
- sub f { return qw/a b c d e/ }
- my $count =()= f(); #$count is now 5
- my $string = "cat cat dog cat";
- my $cats =()= $string =~ /cat/g; #$cats is now 3
- =head3 See also
- L</=> and L</()=>
- =head2 ~~X
- =head3 Description
- This pseudo-operator is named the scalar context operator. It is made up of
- two bitwise negation operators. It provides scalar context to the
- expression X. It works because the first bitwise negation operator provides
- scalar context to X and performs a bitwise negation of the result; since the
- result of two bitwise negations is the original item,the value of the
- original expression is preserved.
- With the addition of the Smart match operator,this pseudo-operator is even
- more confusing. The C<scalar> function is much easier to understand and you
- are encouraged to use it instead.
- =head3 Example
- my @a = qw/a b c d/;
- print ~~@a,"\n"; #prints 4
- =head3 See also
- L</~X>,L</X ~~ Y>,and L<perlfunc/scalar>
- =head2 X }{ Y
- =head3 Description
- This pseudo-operator is called the Eskimo-kiss operator because it looks
- like two faces touching noses. It is made up of an closing brace and an
- opening brace. It is used when using C<perl> as a command-line program with
- the C<-n> or C<-p> options. It has the effect of running X inside of the
- loop created by C<-n> or C<-p> and running Y at the end of the program. It
- works because the closing brace closes the loop created by C<-n> or C<-p>
- and the opening brace creates a new bare block that is closed by the loop's
- original ending. You can see this behavior by using the L<B::Deparse>
- module. Here is the command C<perl -ne 'print $_;'> deparsed:
- LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
- print $_;
- }
- Notice how the original code was wrapped with the C<while> loop. Here is
- the deparsing of C<perl -ne '$count++ if /foo/; }{ print "$count\n"'>:
- LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
- ++$count if /foo/;
- }
- {
- print "$count\n";
- }
- Notice how the C<while> loop is closed by the closing brace we added and the
- opening brace starts a new bare block that is closed by the closing brace
- that was originally intended to close the C<while> loop.
- =head3 Example
- # count unique lines in the file FOO
- perl -nle '$seen{$_}++ }{ print "$_ => $seen{$_}" for keys %seen' FOO
- # sum all of the lines until the user types control-d
- perl -nle '$sum += $_ }{ print $sum'
- =head3 See also
- L<perlrun> and L<perlsyn>
- =cut
- scalar x!! $value # conditional scalar include operator
- (list) x!! $value # conditional list include operator
- 'string' x/pattern/ # conditional include if pattern
- "@{[ list ]}" # interpolate list expression operator
- "${\scalar}" # interpolate scalar expression operator
- !! $scalar # scalar -> boolean operator
- +0 # cast to numeric operator
- .'' # cast to string operator
- { ($value or next)->depends_on_value() } # early bail out operator
- # aka using next/last/redo with bare blocks to avoid duplicate variable lookups
- # might be a stretch to call this an operator though...
- sub{\@_}->( list ) # list capture "operator",like [ list ] but with aliases