<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<context:component-scan base-package="concerttours"/>
package concerttours.daos;
import java.util.List;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
* An interface for the Band DAO including varIoUs operations for retrieving persisted Band model objects
public interface BandDAO
List<BandModel> findBands();
List<BandModel> findBandsByCode(String code);
package concerttours.daos.impl;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.FlexibleSearchQuery;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.FlexibleSearchService;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import concerttours.daos.BandDAO;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
@Component(value = "bandDAO")
public class DefaultBandDAO implements BandDAO
private FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService;
public List<BandModel> findBands()
// 查询
final String queryString = //
"SELECT {p:" + BandModel.PK + "} "//
+ "FROM {" + BandModel._TYPECODE + " AS p} ";
final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
return flexibleSearchService.<BandModel> search(query).getResult();
public List<BandModel> findBandsByCode(final String code)
// 带参查询
final String queryString = //
"SELECT {p:" + BandModel.PK + "}" //
+ "FROM {" + BandModel._TYPECODE + " AS p} "//
+ "WHERE " + "{p:" + BandModel.CODE + "}=?code ";
final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
return flexibleSearchService.<BandModel> search(query).getResult();
这里用了@Component(value = "bandDAO")来实现<bean id="" class=""/>
package concerttours.service;
import java.util.List;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
public interface BandService
List<BandModel> getBands();
BandModel getBandForCode(String code);
package concerttours.service.impl;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.AmbiguousIdentifierException;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.UnknownIdentifierException;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.required;
import concerttours.daos.BandDAO;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
import concerttours.service.BandService;
public class DefaultBandService implements BandService
private ModelService modelService;
private BandDAO bandDAO;
public List<BandModel> getBands()
return bandDAO.findBands();
public void Test()
final XXX xxx = modelService.create(XXX.class);
UserModel user = userService.getUserForUID(testUid);
final UserGroupModel group = modelService.create(UserGroupModel.class);
user.setGroups((Set) ImmutableSet.builder().addAll(user.getGroups()).add(group).build());
public BandModel getBandForCode(final String code) throws AmbiguousIdentifierException,UnknownIdentifierException
final List<BandModel> result = bandDAO.findBandsByCode(code);
if (result.isEmpty())
throw new UnknownIdentifierException("Band with code '" + code + "' not found!");
else if (result.size() > 1)
throw new AmbiguousIdentifierException("Band code '" + code + "' is not unique," + result.size() + " bands found!");
return result.get(0);
public void setBandDAO(final BandDAO bandDAO)
this.bandDAO = bandDAO;
这里在xml中配置了Service,service中注入了dao,所以dao可以直接注入,get、set,不用 @Autowired
<alias name = "defaultBandService" alias = "bandService" />
<bean id = "defaultBandService" class = "concerttours.service.impl.DefaultBandService" >
<property name = "bandDAO" ref = "bandDAO" />
package concerttours.daos.impl;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import de.hybris.bootstrap.annotations.IntegrationTest;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.ServicelayerTransactionalTest;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import concerttours.daos.BandDAO;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
public class DefaultBandDAOIntegrationTest extends ServicelayerTransactionalTest
private BandDAO bandDAO;
private ModelService modelService;
private static final String BAND_CODE = "ROCK-11";
private static final String BAND_NAME = "Ladies of Rock";
private static final String BAND_HISTORY = "All female rock band formed in Munich in the late 1990s";
private static final Long ALBUMS_SOLD = Long.valueOf(1000L);
public void bandDAOTest()
List<BandModel> bandsByCode = bandDAO.findBandsByCode(BAND_CODE);
assertTrue("No Band should be returned",bandsByCode.isEmpty());
List<BandModel> allBands = bandDAO.findBands();
final int size = allBands.size();
final BandModel bandModel = modelService.create(BandModel.class);
// check we now get one more band back than prevIoUsly and our test band is in the list
allBands = bandDAO.findBands();
Assert.assertEquals(size + 1,allBands.size());
Assert.assertTrue("band not found",allBands.contains(bandModel));
// check we can locate our test band by its code
bandsByCode = bandDAO.findBandsByCode(BAND_CODE);
Assert.assertEquals("Did not find the Band we just saved",1,bandsByCode.size());
Assert.assertEquals("Retrieved Band's code attribute incorrect",BAND_CODE,bandsByCode.get(0).getCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Retrieved Band's name attribute incorrect",BAND_NAME,bandsByCode.get(0).getName());
Assert.assertEquals("Retrieved Band's albumSales attribute incorrect",ALBUMS_SOLD,bandsByCode.get(0).getAlbumSales());
Assert.assertEquals("Retrieved Band's history attribute incorrect",BAND_HISTORY,bandsByCode.get(0).getHistory());
public void testFindBands_EmptyStringParam()
//calling findBandsByCode() with an empty String - returns no results
final List<BandModel> bands = bandDAO.findBandsByCode("");
Assert.assertTrue("No Band should be returned",bands.isEmpty());
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testfindBands_NullParam()
//calling findBandByCode with null should throw an IllegalArgumentException
bandDAO.findBandsByCode(null); //method's return value not captured
ant all
ant yunitinit
ant integrationtests -Dtestclasses.packages = concerttours。*
在<HYBRIS_HOME_DIR> /hybris/log/junit/index.html查看测试结果
package concerttours.service.impl;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import de.hybris.bootstrap.annotations.UnitTest;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import concerttours.daos.BandDAO;
import concerttours.model.BandModel;
* This test file tests and demonstrates the behavior of the BandService's methods getAllBand,getBand and saveBand.
* We already have a separate file for testing the Band DAO,and we do not want this test to implicitly test that in
* addition to the BandService. This test therefore mocks out the Band DAO leaving us to test the Service in isolation,* whose behavior should be simply to wraps calls to the DAO: forward calls to it,and passing on the results it
* receives from it.
public class DefaultBandServiceUnitTest
private DefaultBandService bandService;
private BandDAO bandDAO;
private BandModel bandModel;
/** Name of test band. */
private static final String BAND_CODE = "Ch00X";
/** Name of test band. */
private static final String BAND_NAME = "Singers All";
/** History of test band. */
private static final String BAND_HISTORY = "Medieval choir formed in 2001,based in Munich famous for authentic monastic chants";
public void setUp()
// We will be testing BandServiceImpl - an implementation of BandService
bandService = new DefaultBandService();
// So as not to implicitly also test the DAO,we will mock out the DAO using Mockito
bandDAO = mock(BandDAO.class);
// and inject this mocked DAO into the BandService
// This instance of a BandModel will be used by the tests
bandModel = new BandModel();
* This test tests and demonstrates that the Service's getAllBands method calls the DAOs' getBands method and returns
* the data it receives from it.
public void testGetAllBands()
// We construct the data we would like the mocked out DAO to return when called
final List<BandModel> bandModels = Arrays.asList(bandModel);
//Use Mockito and compare results
// Now we make the call to BandService's getBands() which we expect to call the DAOs' findBands() method
final List<BandModel> result = bandService.getBands();
// We then verify that the results returned from the service match those returned by the mocked-out DAO
assertEquals("We should find one",result.size());
assertEquals("And should equals what the mock returned",bandModel,result.get(0));
public void testGetBand()
// Tell Mockito we expect a call to the DAO's getBand(),and,if it occurs,Mockito should return BandModel instance
// We make the call to the Service's getBandForCode() which we expect to call the DAO's findBandsByCode()
final BandModel result = bandService.getBandForCode(BAND_CODE);
// We then verify that the result returned from the Service is the same as that returned from the DAO
assertEquals("Band should equals() what the mock returned",result);
ant all
ant unittests -Dtestclasses.packages = concerttours。*
<bean class = "concerttours.data.TourSummaryData">
<description >Data object for a tour summary which has no equivalent on the type system</description>
<property name = "id" type = "String" />
<property name = "tourName" type = "String" />
<property name = "numberOfConcerts" type = "String" />
package concerttours.facades;
import concerttours.data.TourData;
public interface TourFacade
BandData getBand(String name);
public class DefaultBandFacade implements BandFacade
private BandService bandService;
public List<BandData> getBands()
final List<BandModel> bandModels = bandService.getBands();
final List<BandData> bandFacadeData = new ArrayList<>();
for (final BandModel sm : bandModels)
final BandData sfd = new BandData();
return bandFacadeData;
<alias name = "defaultBandFacade" alias = "bandFacade" />
<bean id = "defaultBandFacade" class ="concerttours.facades.impl.DefaultBandFacade" >
<property name = "bandService" ref = "bandService" />