Bundle name和Bundle creator OS Typecode
您可以在这些字段上放置任何内容,或者您是否想要使用某些值或名称,例如Apple为您的应用程序提供的“App ID”?
Bundle creator is an obsolete
4-character field for iOS apps. I
leave it blank with no problems.
如上所述,将其留空. (我曾经为“Apple Mobile”编写APLM).
Bundle name is what appears under your
icon. Make sure it fits under the
icon. It has to be not misleadingly
different from your app’s name.
例如,我有一个名为犹太音乐流的应用程序.我把JewishMusic放在这个领域.它适合,它类似于我的应用程序名称.如果我写了死亡金属,我可能会被拒绝,因为该类型与应用程序中提供的内容无关.如果我会写犹太音乐流,它会出现像Jewi …… Stream或类似的东西.
Bundle ID is your unique reverse DNS.
You don’t have to have a web site for
this particular app. But your
registered web domain and a unique app
name (or web page) would be
appropriate for this field (reversed
of course). It has to be compatible
with you provision (which might be
wildcarded). The Bundle ID should not
have the wildcard.
The restriction on product file name
is no spaces or special characters.
Nobody sees it,so it can be almost
anything (unique for your apps and
non-misleading). I’ve had old obsolete
project names on mine,but the apps
were still accepted.
事实是人们可以看到你的应用名称,如果他们有Xcode,或者他们查看iTunes文件夹中的实际二进制文件.这没什么区别,但这是一个有趣的习惯 – 命名你的二进制文件.