编辑:另一个选择是使用Passgen实用程序,Steve Riley和Jesper Johannson(均来自微软)为他们的书“保护您的Windows网络”撰写.它实际上为域中的每台计算机设置了一个唯一的本地管理员密码(这样更安全……如果你拥有它们,那么一台计算机的妥协就意味着你域中所有计算机的危害).从描述:
In the book,we recommended that you
maintain separate passwords on every
local administrator and service
account in your enterprise. This is,
of course,almost impossible to manage
without something to automate it for
you. That’s what Passgen does. The
tool generates unique passwords based
on known input (an identifier and
passphrase you define),sets those
passwords remotely,and allows you to
retrieve them later.