Windows 7 – Windows 7上的VB6应用程序无法访问映射的驱动器

我有一个VB6应用程序,它连接到 Windows 7 32位机器的几个POS终端. POS终端映射到Windows 7机器,我可以从资源管理器或cmdline / shell从Windows 7机器访问POS终端.

该应用程序已更新为ADO 2.8,并且已重新编写了我不再拥有源代码的所有其他控件和组件.经过几次恼人的打嗝后,我得到了应用程序,在Windows 7计算机上重新编译,没有错误.

现在来问题了. VB6应用程序无法查看或导航到任何映射的驱动器!我尝试过简单的UAC设置;我已将应用程序设置为在Windows XP SP3模式下运行;我试过以管理员身份运行.这些东西(以及这些东西的许多排列)都不起作用.



To work around this problem,configure the EnableLinkedConnections
registry value. This value enables Windows Vista and Windows 7 to
share network connections between the filtered access token and the
full administrator access token for a member of the Administrators
group. After you configure this registry value,LSA checks whether
there is another access token that is associated with the current user
session if a network resource is mapped to an access token. If LSA
determines that there is a linked access token,it adds the network
share to the linked location. To configure the EnableLinkedConnections
registry value

  1. Click Start,type regedit in the Start programs and files Box,and
    then press ENTER.

  2. Locate and then right-click the registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.

  3. Point to New,and then click DWORD Value.

  4. Type EnableLinkedConnections,and then press ENTER.

  5. Right-click EnableLinkedConnections,and then click Modify.

  6. In the Value data Box,type 1,and then click OK.

  7. Exit Registry Editor,and then restart the computer.


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