如何在Windows 8 Metro C#XAML应用程序中播放H.264 RTSP视频?

RTSP:// / videoservice

由于这是实时视频,我不需要能够控制它(暂停,倒带等),只需播放.这是由MediaElement还是其他标准类支持,我需要像Smooth Streaming Client SDK这样的东西还是比我想象的要复杂得多?

我下载了微软的Player Framework,但这也没有播放.我在RTSP的例子中找不到任何东西.

我使用Wireshark来比较VLC Media Player(有效)与MediaElement和Player Framework一起发送的数据包,它们似乎都没有使用RTSP协议.相反,即使我提供了源的IP地址,他们也会将WPAD数据包发送到不同的地址.为什么这有必要?有没有办法扭转这种行为?

请参阅文章 here.您需要将数据包装在MPEG-4 Part 14容器中,然后将其传递到 MediaElement.SetSource.看来您只能使用记录的API来执行此操作.以下是链接中的重要信息:

We don’t support RTP but rather the MPEG-4 Part 14 container format.
You will need to write our own source to be able to parse the data a
pass it directly to the Microsoft decoder. At this time we do not have
any samples on how to write a custom source and have it loaded from
your Metro style app. Unfortunately it is not possible to simply use
the documentation to figure out how to do this. I have been talking
with Stan and we are trying to figure out how and when we can make
this information available. As soon as this information is available
I will announce it on my blog 07002.





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