vb.net query update

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了vb.net query update前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Imports Gates.MES.DA
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.sqlClient

Namespace BL
Public Class QueyUpdate

Private _DBTans As DBTransaction
Private _errorMessage As String = ""

Public Sub New(ByVal DBTrans As DBTransaction)
_DBTans = DBTrans
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property errorMessage() As String
Return _errorMessage
End Get
End Property
Public Function QuerySplitJob(ByVal Job As String) As DataSet
Dim strsql As String = ""
Dim resultDS As New DataSet
strsql = "select * from [MES_TRANS_MCD].[APPS].[HDMT_LOG] where lotid ='" & _
Job & "' and secondLOTID ='" & Job & "'"
resultDS = _DBTans.sqlToDataSet("splitJOb",strsql)
Return resultDS
Catch ex As Exception

Throw ex

End Try
End Function

Public Function GetJobbyPN(ByVal PN As String) As DataSet
Dim strsql As String
Dim resultDS As New DataSet


strsql = " select * from apps.releasedjob where 1=1 "
If PN <> "" Then
strsql &= " and partnumber ='" & PN & "'"

End If

resultDS = _DBTans.sqlToDataSet("test",strsql)

Return resultDS

Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex

End Try
End Function

Public Function InsertSpliJob(ByVal sJob As SplitJob) As Boolean
Dim strsql As String = ""
Dim newQty As Integer = 0

strsql = "insert into [MES_TRANS_MCD].[APPS].[HDMT_LOG] ( lotid,partno,mesqty,SecondLotid) " & _
" values ( '" & sJob.NewJob & "','" & sJob.NewQty & "','" & sJob.OriginalJob & "')"

newQty = sJob.OriginalQTY - sJob.NewQty
strsql = " Update [MES_TRANS_MCD].[APPS].[HDMT_LOG] set mesqty= " & newQty & " where lotid= '" & sJob.OriginalJob & "')"



Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
Return False

End Try
End Function

End Class
Public Class SplitJob
Public OriginalJob As String
Public pn As String
Public OriginalQTY As Integer
Public NewQty As Integer
Public NewJob As String

End Class

End Namespace

