According to Wikipedia,’S’应该是标准运行级别:“单用户模式”.但是,如果我没有弄错的话,Debian上的单用户模式是Runlevel 1.一个
Debian article我发现声称,’S’是一个运行级别“,系统使用它来到另一个运行级别”.有趣…
现在我更感兴趣的是知道它实际上是什么在Debian / Ubuntu上,因为Shorewall包(它是一个强大的“Debianized”包)也在rcS.d中创建了它的(仅!)启动钩子!
S - true single user mode usually drops you into a minimal root shell 1 - Administrative mode,you get a standard login request before access 2 - Multi-user without TCP/IP networking -- could use serial ports for other logins 3 - Multi-user with TCP/IP networking and text 4 - To be determined by the system owner 5 - Multi-User with TCP/IP networking and graphic console 6 - reboot 0 - shutdown and power down
因此,如果TCP / IP启动并运行,则通常需要防火墙,并且通常仅在Init State 3中发生.