





文档的完整文本(尝试选项 – 点击Xcode中的assert和precondition):


Check a necessary condition for making forward progress.

Use this function to detect conditions that must prevent the
program from proceeding even in shipping code.

  • In playgrounds and -Onone builds (the default for Xcode’s Debug
    configuration): if condition evaluates to false,stop program
    execution in a debuggable state after printing message.

  • In -O builds (the default for Xcode’s Release configuration):
    if condition evaluates to false,stop program execution.

  • In -Ounchecked builds,condition is not evaluated,but the
    optimizer may assume that it would evaluate to true. Failure
    to satisfy that assumption in -Ounchecked builds is a serIoUs
    programming error.


Traditional C-style assert with an optional message.

Use this function for internal sanity checks that are active
during testing but do not impact performance of shipping code.
To check for invalid usage in Release builds; see precondition.

  • In playgrounds and -Onone builds (the default for Xcode’s Debug
    configuration): if condition evaluates to false,stop program
    execution in a debuggable state after printing message.

  • In -O builds (the default for Xcode’s Release configuration),
    condition is not evaluated,and there are no effects.

  • In -Ounchecked builds,but the
    optimizer may assume that it would evaluate to true. Failure to satisfy that assumption in -Ounchecked builds is a serIoUs programming error.


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