我已经开发了Om / React组件,但是我觉得不能用单元测试来驱动我的开发.我试图设置我的clojurescript项目来对这些组件进行单元测试,到目前为止我已经达到了能够编写单元测试并实例化我的组件的程度.我缺少的是能够确保我的组件对某些事件做出正确反应,例如: onChange以便我可以模拟用户输入.
(defn simulate-click-event "From https://github.com/levand/domina/blob/master/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs" [el] (let [document (.-document js/window)] (cond (.-click el) (.click el) (.-createEvent document) (let [e (.createEvent document "MouseEvents")] (.initMouseEvent e "click" true true js/window 0 0 0 0 0 false false false false 0 nil) (.dispatchEvent el e)) :default (throw "Unable to simulate click event")))) (defn simulate-change-event "From https://github.com/levand/domina/blob/master/test/cljs/domina/test.cljs" [el] (let [document (.-document js/window)] (cond (.-onChange el) (do (print "firing on change on " el) (.onChange el)) (.-createEvent document) (let [e (.createEvent document "HTMLEvents")] (print "firing " e " on change on " (.-id el)) (.initEvent e "change" true true) (.dispatchEvent el e)) :default (throw "Unable to simulate change event")))) (def sink "contains a channel that receives messages along with notification type" (chan)) ;; see http://yobriefca.se/blog/2014/06/04/publish-and-subscribe-with-core-dot-asyncs-pub-and-sub/ (def source (pub sink #(:topic %))) (defn change-field! [id value] (let [el (sel1 (keyword (str "#" id)))] (dommy/set-value! el value) (simulate-change-event el) )) (deftest ^:async password-confirmation (testing "do not submit if passwords are not equal" (let [subscription (chan)] (sub source :user-registration subscription) (om/root (partial u/registration-view source sink) nil {:target (sel1 :#view)}) (go (let [m (<! subscription)] (is (= :error (:state m))) (done) )) (change-field! "userRequestedEmail" "foo@bar.com") (change-field! "userRequestedPassword" "secret") (change-field! "confirmPassword" "nosecret") (simulate-click-event (sel1 :#submitRegistration)) )))
(defn registration-view "Registration form for users. Submitting form triggers a request to server" [source sink _ owner] (reify om/IInitState (init-state [_] {:userRequestedEmail "" :userRequestedPassword "" :confirmPassword ""} ) om/IRenderState (render-state [this state] (dom/fieldset nil (dom/legend nil "User Registration") (dom/div #js { :className "pure-control-group" } (dom/label #js { :for "userRequestedEmail" } "EMail") (dom/input #js { :id "userRequestedEmail" :type "text" :placeholder "Enter an e-mail" :value (:userRequestedEmail state) :onChange #(om/set-state! owner :userRequestedEmail (.. % -target -value))})) (dom/div #js { :className "pure-control-group" } (dom/label #js { :for "userRequestedPassword" } "Password") (dom/input #js { :id "userRequestedPassword" :type "password" :placeholder "Enter password" :value (:userRequestedPassword state) :onChange #(om/set-state! owner :userRequestedPassword (.. % -target -value))})) (dom/div #js { :className "pure-control-group" } (dom/label #js { :for "confirmPassword" } "") (dom/input #js { :id "confirmPassword" :type "password" :placeholder "Confirm password" :value (:confirmPassword state) :onChange #(om/set-state! owner :confirmPassword (.. % -target -value))})) (dom/button #js {:type "submit" :id "submitRegistration" :className "pure-button pure-button-primary" :onClick #(submit-registration state sink)} "Register")))))
通过在测试中放置跟踪,我可以看到,当我触发更改事件时,组件的状态不会更新,尽管它已被正确触发.我怀疑这与Om / React的工作方式,包装DOM组件有关,但不知道如何处理这个问题.
var comp = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Component />); var changingElement = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(comp,'el-class'); it ('calls myChangeMethod on change',function() { ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(changingElement); assert(comp.myChangeEventMethod.called,true); }