
* Linux (window and mac不保证)
* PHP - 5.2.0 or greater.
* Postgresql 8.1+,or MysqL 5.0.25+ with InnoDB table support.
* Apache - 2.0 or higher

1. 下载mahara latest version and extract it to web dir
2. create database "mahara"
3. Create the Dataroot Directory and make it writable by the web server user. You can either change its owner to be the web server user,or you can chmod it to 777
4. modify mahara config.PHP file following settings:
5. add following settings to config.PHP (这步骤mahara官方网站的安装指南没有,但少了它有可能出错
$cfg->directorypermissions = 0777; //or 0700?
$cfg->wwwroot = '';
6. append directory in apache httpd.conf file
for example:
<Directory "/var/www/mahara/web">
AllowOverride All
Alias /mahara "/var/www/mahara/web"

7. restart apache with command "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"

8. run to install


@H_502_0@Integrate to moodle,use "Mahoodle". integration guide refers to "Mahoodle.pdf" at


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