PostgreSQL key words of LATERAL




@H_502_1@1. 准备好的数据。

postgres=# select * from tb10;
 id | name1 
  1 | aa
  2 | bb
  3 | cc
(3 rows)

postgres=# select * from tb11;
 id | name2 
  1 | dd
  3 | ee
  5 | ff
(3 rows)

postgres=# select * from tb10 a inner join(select id,name2 from tb11)b on;
 id | name1 | id | name2 
  1 | aa    |  1 | dd
  3 | cc    |  3 | ee
(2 rows)
这个是正常情况,这里有两个独立的from子查询,如果想在第二个子查询里面引用第一个子查询的数据,like the following:
postgres=# select * from tb10 a inner join(select id,name2,a.name1 from tb11)b on;
ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "a"
LINE 1: select * from tb10 a inner join(select id,a.name1 from...
HINT:  There is an entry for table "a",but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.

@H_502_1@3. 使用LATERAL关键字:

postgres=# select * from tb10 a inner join lateral(select id,a.name1 from tb11)b on;
 id | name1 | id | name2 | name1 
  1 | aa    |  1 | dd    | aa
  3 | cc    |  3 | ee    | cc
(2 rows)



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