PG中要使用枚举类型需要先使用create type创建一个枚举类型。 创建并使用枚举类型: postgres=# create type week as enum ('Sun','Mon','Tues','Wed','Thur','Fri','Sat'); CREATE TYPE postgres=# CREATE TABLE testmj(name varchar(100),day week); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into testmj values('lm','Sun'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testmj; name | day ------+----- lm | Sun (1 row) postgres=# insert into testmj values('lm','SuN'); --插入枚举类型以外的值报错 ERROR: invalid input value for enum week: "SuN" LINE 1: insert into testmj values('lm','SuN'); ^ 查看枚举类型: postgres=# \dT List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- public | week | (1 row) postgres=# \dT week List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- public | week | (1 row) postgres=# \dT+ week List of data types Schema | Name | Internal name | Size | Elements | Owner | Access privileges | Description --------+------+---------------+------+----------+----------+-------------------+------------- public | week | week | 4 | Sun +| postgres | | | | | | Mon +| | | | | | | Tues +| | | | | | | Wed +| | | | | | | Thur +| | | | | | | Fri +| | | | | | | Sat | | | (1 row) postgres=# select * from pg_enum; enumtypid | enumsortorder | enumlabel -----------+---------------+----------- 24588 | 1 | Sun 24588 | 2 | Mon 24588 | 3 | Tues 24588 | 4 | Wed 24588 | 5 | Thur 24588 | 6 | Fri 24588 | 7 | Sat (7 rows) postgres=# 相关函数: enum_first enum_last enum_range postgres=# select enum_first('Mon'::week); enum_first ------------ Sun (1 row) postgres=# select enum_first('Sun'::week); enum_first ------------ Sun (1 row) postgres=# select enum_last('Sun'::week); enum_last ----------- Sat (1 row) postgres=# select enum_range('Sun'::week); enum_range --------------------------------- {Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat} (1 row) postgres=# select enum_range(null::week); enum_range --------------------------------- {Sun,Sat} (1 row)